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一、她就是我的小姨上小学的我就喜欢唱歌跳舞,更爱听爸爸讲戏曲故事。一天吃过晚饭看电视,我突然叫妈妈快来看,还问“这小姑娘是谁?太美啦,真漂亮,说话那么好听,唱的那么脆。”妈妈擦着手走过来一看说:“小莉,这就是你小姨刘长瑜呀,演的是《春草闯堂》。我说,“妈妈,我也要演 First, she is my aunt Primary school I like to sing and dance, but also love to listen to my father about opera story. One day eating dinner watching TV, I suddenly called the mother came to see, and asked “Who is this girl? Too beautiful, really beautiful, so nice to hear, sing so crisp.” Mom rubbed his hand and came to see and said: Xiao Li, this is your aunt Liu Changyu ah, acting is “spring grass Chuangtang.” I said, "Mom, I have to play
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巴西伊瓜苏河上950 000 m 3 的萨尔托卡希亚斯 R C C 坝于1998 年10 月竣工, 1999年上半年开始发电。介绍该工程主要的设计与施工特性。 The 950,000 m 3 Salto C 亚 ales R C C dam on the Iguazu
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