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2004年8月26日,哈医大二院建院50周年庆典,位于哈市近郊的这所庞大的医院一扫往日的紧张忙碌,被欢快的乐、缤纷的鲜花、五色的气球和飞扬的条幅紧紧包裹。在庆典活动的中心——该院科技会馆,前去采访的本刊记者穿过络绎不绝的祝贺来宾和整齐划一的迎宾方阵,流连在会场外整齐摆放的各类奖杯、奖牌和科研成果宣传展板之间。这些被物化了的荣誉,几乎挤满了偌大的会堂一层走廊的每一寸角落,静静地宣示着这家医院半个世纪的所有自尊和自豪。在随后进行的庆祝仪式上,在医院各科室职工代表声情并茂的发言之后,哈医大二院院长张岂凡走上讲台。面对眼前如云的嘉宾和着装整齐统一的医护人员方阵,看得出这位著名的技术型院长难掩激情。他在题为“弘扬二院精神,再创世纪辉煌“的演讲词中这样形容:“50年的砥砺前行,50年的春华秋实,令天的哈医大二院已经成为我国医院之林中的一棵生机盎然的大树,根深叶茂,硕果累累。”命运总是在不动声色间逆转,谁能料到,一年后爆出的“天价医药费”事件,使曾经激情飞扬的哈医大二院再一次名动天下,所不同的是,再度亮相的哈医大二院,这一次坐在了被告席上。这棵生长了50年的医疗常青树,难道就此在瞬间轰然倒地? On August 26, 2004, the 50th Anniversary of the establishment of the Harbin Medical University Hospital, the huge hospital located on the outskirts of Harbin city was swept away from the busy and busy past, with cheerful music, colorful flowers, colored balloons, and flying banners. Tightly wrapped. At the center of the celebration - the Institute’s Science and Technology Hall, the reporters who went to interview the reporter went through endless stream of congratulations to the guests and the uniform welcome square, fluently arranged various trophies, medals and medals outside the venue. Scientific research results are spread between exhibition boards. These materialized honours were almost full of every corner of the corridor of the large hall, quietly proclaiming all the pride and pride of the hospital for half a century. At the subsequent ceremony, after the speeches made by representatives of the staff of the various departments of the hospital, Zhang Xiaofan, dean of Harbin Medical University, stepped onto the podium. Faced with the cloud of guests and the uniform array of medical staff phalanx, we can see that this famous technical dean can hardly hide passion. In his speech titled “Carrying Forward the Spirit of the Second Institute and Recreating a Brilliant Age,” he said: "Five hundred years of advancement and 50 years of Chunhua Qiushi have made Tianji’s Harbin Medical University become one of the hospitals in China. The tree with vitality is deeply rooted and full of fruit.” The fate is always reversing. No one can expect that the “high-price medical expenses” event that broke out after a year will make the once-spirited Harbin Medical University. The second house once again moved around the world. The difference was that the Second Hospital of Harbin Medical University debuted again and this time they sat in the dock. Has this medical evergreen tree, which has been growing for 50 years, fall to the ground in an instant?
根据国家食品药品监督管理局的规定,从今年7月1日起,消费者必须凭医生处方才能在药店买到抗生素。 这个规定令在药店买惯了抗生素的广大消费者无所适从:为什么做出这样的规
10月23日。全国税务信息工作经验交流会暨培训班在郑州召开。图为会议现场。连日来,省地税局组织全体人员认真学习贯彻“十五”大精神。图为一五大代 October 23. National t
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