
来源 :结核病健康教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:haidiaiqing
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第四次全国结核病流行病学抽样调查初步结果和我国结核病防治工作进展情况新闻通报会在京举行。 2000年12月20日,卫生部在京召开新闻通报会。殷大奎副部长就“流调”初步结果和我国结核病防治工作进展情况向新闻界进行通报。“流调”初步结果显示,我国结核病疫情还相当严重,部分地区有蔓延趋势。全国三分之一人口(4亿多)已感染了结核菌。当前传染性肺结核患病率为157.8/10万,估算全国现有传染性肺结核病人200万。西部12个省、市、自治区的疫情十分严重。传染性肺结核患病率高达197/10万,呈蔓延趋势。经过世行贷款项目干预的13个省涂阳患病率10年间下降了36.7%,明显好于全国水平。而非世行贷款项目地区10年间仅下降3.2%。目前,结核病控制可持续发展机制尚未建立,现代结核病控制策略未能得到全面、有效地实施。主要原因是对结核病流行的严重性认识不足;专项经费投入不足;防治工作能力较弱。再加上流动人口的增加、耐药病人的产生、艾滋病病毒与结核菌的双重感染给结核病控制工作增加了难度。 The Fourth National TB Epidemiological Sampling Survey Preliminary Results and China’s Tuberculosis Prevention and Control Work Progress Press Conference was held in Beijing. On December 20, 2000, the Ministry of Health held a press briefing in Beijing. Vice Minister Yin Dakui briefed the press on the initial results of “Flow Control ” and the progress of tuberculosis prevention and control work in China. “Flow control ” preliminary results show that the epidemic of tuberculosis in our country is still very serious, there are trends in some areas. One third of the country’s population (more than 400 million) has been infected with Mycobacterium tuberculosis. The current prevalence of infectious tuberculosis is 157.8 / 100,000, estimating that there are 2 million existing infectious tuberculosis patients nationwide. The epidemic in the western 12 provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions is very serious. The prevalence of infectious tuberculosis is as high as 197 / 100,000, showing a trend of spread. The prevalence of smear-positive disease in 13 provinces after World Bank loan projects fell by 36.7% over the 10-year period, significantly better than the national average. Non-World Bank loans dropped by only 3.2% over the 10-year period. At present, the mechanism of sustainable development of tuberculosis control has not yet been established, and the modern TB control strategy has not been fully and effectively implemented. The main reason is the lack of understanding of the seriousness of the epidemic of tuberculosis; inadequate investment in special funds; and weak prevention and control work. Coupled with the increase of floating population, the emergence of drug-resistant patients and the double infection of HIV and TB increase the difficulty of tuberculosis control work.
TheFeaturesofRBACandits’ImplementationinSybase LIPei-wu( 1-1)…………………………………………………………………………TheFuzzyControlSimulationoftheHydro Turbine TheFeaturesofRBACandits’ImplementationinSybaseLIPei-wu (1-1) .............................
大清光绪六年(1880年),慈禧太后染上奇病,御医日日进诊,屡服良药,竟不见好转。 此时,朝廷遂下诏各省督抚保荐良医。两江总督刘坤一、江苏巡抚吴元举荐江南名医马培之,字文植
我科自 1998年 12月至 2 0 0 0年 12月使用苦参素治疗肝炎后肝硬化患者 2 3例。经观察 ,疗程结束后 ,所有患者血清中白细胞、血小板、白蛋白、白 /球比例均有提高 ,提示苦参