Analysis on Extreme Gale of Capital Airport

来源 :Meteorological and Environmental Research | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xiaotre
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Observation data of extreme gale in Capital Airport during 1976-2013 were analyzed,and climate characteristics of extreme gale in Capital Airport were summarized. Moreover,three extreme gale weather processes with larger influences on December 10,2010,November 22,2011 and March 9,2013 were contrasted and analyzed,and results showed that extreme gale in Capital Airport mainly appeared during March-April or December-January. Occurrence frequency of extreme gale was the most from late afternoon to evening,and the minimum was from night to morning,while peak appeared during 14:00-15:00. Extreme gale of Capital Airport was dominated by northwest gale at the rear of cold front,and the peak occurred at the wind direction of 330°. The common effect of strong cold high pressure going south at the rear of ground cold front and highaltitude transverse trough turning vertical was main cause of extreme gale in Capital Airport,and momentum transmission below 500 hP a also had an important effect in the generation of extreme gale. Observation data of extreme gale in Capital Airport during 1976-2013 were analyzed, and climate characteristics of extreme gale in Capital Airport were summarized. Moreover, three extreme gale weather processes with greater influences on December 10, 2010, November 22, 2011 and March 9 , 2013 were contrasted and analyzed, and results showed that extreme gale in Capital Airport mainly occurred in March-April or December-January. Occurrence frequency of extreme gale was the most from late afternoon to evening, and the minimum was from night to morning, while peak occurred between 14: 00-15: 00. Extreme gale of Capital Airport was dominated by northwest gale at the rear of cold front, and the peak occurred at the wind direction of 330 °. The common effect of strong cold high pressure going south at the rear of ground cold front and highaltitude transverse trough turning vertical was main cause of extreme gale in Capital Airport, and momentum transmission below 500 hP a also had an important effect in the generation of extreme gale.
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