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两年来,全省各级人民检察署一面建立机构,一面从摸索学习中开展工作。在各级政府的正确领导、有关部门的密切配合及全体检察干部的努力下,克服了不少困难,与各种违法犯罪行为进行了严肃的斗争。对监督国家政策、法律的正确贯彻,巩固人民民主专政,起了一定作用。一、工作情况两年来遵照中央「有步骤、有计划的建立机构,开展工作」的指示,各级检察署次第建立机构,配备干部,截至现在,已建立省、专区、县(市)检察机构九十七处(省署一、专区分署九、县(市)署八七),占全省应建立检察机构一○七处的百分之九十强。调配专职干部三一六名,占应调配干部三五一名的万分之九十强。为了提高检察干部政治、业务水平,曾先后抽调在职干部及青年学生共一七八名,分送西北、中央司 In the past two years, the people’s procuratorates at all levels across the province have set up institutions and carried out their work in groping and learning. With the correct leadership of all levels of government, the close cooperation of relevant departments and the efforts of all procuratorate cadres, many difficulties were overcome and a serious fight against all kinds of criminal activities was carried out. It has played a certain role in supervising the correct implementation of state policies and laws and in consolidating the people’s democratic dictatorship. I. Work In accordance with the instructions of the Central Government “with a step-by-step and planned establishment of an organization and carrying out work” in the past two years, the procuratorates at all levels have set up agencies and cadres at the first instance. So far, procuratorates have been set up in provinces, prefectures and counties (cities) Ninety-seven (Provincial Department 1, Prefecture Branch 9, County (City) Department 87), accounting for more than 90% of the 107 procuratorial organs in the province. Three hundred and sixteen full-time cadres have been deployed, accounting for 90% of the total number of cadres assigned to 355. In order to improve the political and professional standards of procuratorial cadres, it has successively allocated a total of one hundred and seventy-eight serving cadres and young students and distributed them to the northwest and central departments
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城市居民委员会组织条例已由中华人民共和国第一届全国人民代表大会常务委员会于一九五四年十二月三十一日第四次会议通过,现予公布。 The ordinance governing the organi