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实行干部试用制度是坚持实践检验观点的具体体现。实践检验的观点是邓小平同志干部理论的核心内容,也是十五大所阐述的党的组织建设的基本点。一名干部是否具备真才实学,能否胜任本职工作,实践是最权威的佐证,也是最严格的“考官”。实行干部试用制度,就是要让干部在实践中经受组织上的检验,它一方面为被试用干部提供了一个插旗亮相的主阵地和施展才华的主窗口,另一方面也在实践中使每一名干部现出了“真身”,露出了“峥嵘”,是好是坏一目了然,从而为试用期满后的正式启用提供科学真实的依据,把住了干部入口关。这种改“伯乐相马”为“赛场选马”的用人措施,能够从根本上克服用人上的主观随意性,对消除用人腐败,保证干部质量,加强干部队伍建设都具有十分重要的意义。 To implement the cadre probationary system is a concrete manifestation of the viewpoint of practice and inspection. The viewpoint of practice inspection is the core content of Comrade Deng Xiaoping’s cadre theory and also the basic point of the party’s organizational construction as elaborated by the 15th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. Whether a cadre has the ability to really learn, able to perform its own work, practice is the most authoritative evidence, but also the most stringent “examiner.” To carry out the cadre probationary system is to let the cadres undergo organizational tests in practice. On the one hand, it provides the main cadres who demonstrate the mastership of the subjects to be tested and the main window for displaying their talent. On the other hand, in practice, A cadre showed “real body” and revealed “towering”. It is good or bad at a glance, so as to provide a scientific and realistic basis for the official opening of the trial after the expiration of the term, and to allow the entrance of cadres. This measure of employing “Bole and other horses” as “horse selection for the stadium” can fundamentally overcome the subjective arbitrariness on the part of employers and is of great significance to eliminating the corruption of employers, ensuring the quality of cadres and strengthening the contingent of cadres.
该文研究了耦合海气环流模式中的Double ITCZ现象,这种现象的过程是从最初正常的ITCZ到耦合达到平稀后出现的两支ITCZ.该文采用的耦合海气环流模式是中科院大气物理研究所发