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研究了一个从低品位钨原料生产高纯仲钨酸铵(APT)的新的湿法冶金过程。流程包括两段逆流浸出;净化除Sn,Si,As,P;溶剂萃取及吸附法分离钨与钼;钨的溶剂萃取;湿法多段脱浮等工序。这一新工艺适于处理Si,As,P,Mo,Sn,Mn,Ca等含量变化很大的原料。当结晶率大于90%时,APT中的杂质总量小约110ppm,三氧化钨的工艺总收率大于90%。 A new hydrometallurgical process for the production of high purity APT from low-grade tungsten raw materials was studied. The process includes two stages of countercurrent leaching; the purification is performed except for Sn, Si, As, P; solvent extraction and adsorption are used to separate tungsten and molybdenum; the solvent extraction of tungsten is performed; This new process is suitable for processing raw materials with greatly varying contents of Si, As, P, Mo, Sn, Mn, Ca and so on. When the crystallization rate is greater than 90%, the total amount of impurities in the APT is less than about 110 ppm and the total process yield of tungsten trioxide is greater than 90%.
南唐后主李煜多才多艺,不仅文章出众,而且擅长书法和绘画。加上他为人厚道,所以备受人们喜爱。按照继位顺序他是没有机会做皇帝的,但因为他的五个哥哥都死得很早,所 Li Yu,
一、诺贝尔物理学奖背景材料2006年10月3日,瑞典皇家科学院诺贝尔奖委员会宣布将2006年度诺贝尔物理学奖授予两 First, the Nobel Prize in Physics background material Oc
KEY POINTSSustained production of muscular force during exercise depends on the generation of chemical energy (ATP) by nonoxidative (anaerobic) and oxidative
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