
来源 :政策与管理 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kelly2003
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包叙定部长在部机关全体干部职工及在京直属单位领导大会上指出,改革是打好“三大战役”的力量源泉,改革跟不上,战役的实施就失去了活力;管理是打好“三大战役”的基本保障,管理跟不上,战役的实施就没有牢固的根基。基于此,机械工业部根据1996年全国机械工业工作会议的部署,在征求各方意见后,分别制定了《机械工业“九五”体制改革思路》(已在《政策与管理》1996年第4期刊出)和《机械工业企业管理“九五”发展计划》,并以机械办〔1996〕333号文件下发,现将后者继续刊出,请各级机械、汽车工业主管部门和企事业单位结合实际,认真贯彻执行,并且欢迎大家书贯彻实施中的经验和做法成文,寄到本刊,我们将酌情刊出,以便交流。 At the leadership meeting of all the cadres and staff of the ministry and units directly under Beijing, Bao Shuxing pointed out that reform is the source of strength for laying down the “three major campaigns.” Reform can not keep up and the campaign has lost its vitality. Management is playing a good role in “ Three major campaigns, ”the basic protection, management can not keep up, the implementation of the campaign there is no solid foundation. Based on this, according to the deployment of the National Machinery Industry Working Conference in 1996, after consulting with all parties, the Ministry of Machinery Industry formulated the “Ninth Five-Year” System Reform Ideas for Machinery Industry (respectively, in the “Policy and Management” 1996, No. 4 Periodical publication) and the “Nine Five” development plan for the management of machinery industry enterprises, and issued by Machinery Office No. [1996] No. 333, the latter will be continued to be published, and the competent departments of machinery and automobile industry and enterprises and institutions Unit with the actual implementation of conscientiously implement, and we welcome everyone to carry out the implementation of the book written experience and practices, sent to the publication, we will publish, as appropriate, in order to exchange.
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人类即将跨入二十一世纪。从现在起到下个世纪的前二十年特别是前十年 ,是我们贯彻党的十五大精神 ,实施依法治国方略 ,发展社会主义市场经济 ,全面推进改革开放和社会主义现
原告:保险公司 被告:水运公司水路货物运输货损受害方粮油公司向武汉海事法院提起保险赔偿诉讼,要求保险公司赔偿75万元。经调解,保险公司赔偿68万元,并支付了该赔偿和诉讼
皖南机动车辆厂是机械工业部大型重点企业,定点生产农用运输车的专业厂、全国农用运输车行业协会副理事长单位。现有职工1700余人,固定资产9063万元。厂区占地面积45 hm~2。
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证据是用来证明案件真实情况的一切客观事实。行政证据是由法定主体收集的具有法定形式、依照法定程序审查判断查证属实的客观存在 ,对案件事实起证明作用 ,用以作为定案的依