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9月30日,酝酿已久的美《4年防务评估》正式出台,并提交美国国会审查。此系“911”恐怖袭击事件后布什政府公布的第一份军事安全战略规划,对美近中期军事安全战略及下步反恐怖军事行动的展开都具有直接的指导意义。那么较之以往而言,此次新出台的《4年防务评估》有何特点或不同呢? 追求决定性胜利 《评估》作为中短期战略规划,未直接论及美反恐军事战略及特定军事行动目标,但将非对称作战和反恐怖作战置于前所未有的高度,要求美军从战略战术、军队结构、情报武备等各方面强化反恐怖军事准备,强调对敌对国家和非国家实体绝不手软。《评估》鲜明地提出,为确保铲除现实和未来的威胁,美军在实战中要击毁敌方全境内的进攻能力和大规模杀伤性武器威慑力,在本地区重塑一个非敌意的政治军事环境,为此不排除美军事占领其国土或强行改变其政权性质。这是对海湾战争的反思,赋予了美军全面行动的目标和更广泛的使命,也是对美以往局部战争“非接触”和“零死亡”战略战术的重大修正。 On September 30, the long-awaited “4-year Defense Review” of the United States was promulgated and submitted to the U.S. Congress for review. This is the first “strategic plan for military security” announced by the Bush administration after the September 11 terrorist attacks. It has direct guidance on the mid-term military security strategy of the United States and the launching of the next anti-terrorist military operation. Compared with the past, what is the difference or characteristic of the newly released “4-year defense assessment?” Pursuing a decisive victory as an assessment of short-term strategic planning does not directly address the objectives of the U.S. military strategy and specific military actions against terrorism. However, placing asymmetrical warfare and anti-terrorist operations at unprecedented heights requires that the U.S. military intensify its preparations for anti-terror military preparations in all aspects of strategic and tactical operations, military structure, and intelligence and armed affairs, and stress that the hostile state and non-state entities should be absolutely lenient. The assessment made it clear that in order to ensure the eradication of real and future threats, the U.S. military will destroy the offensive capabilities and the deterrent capability of weapons of mass destruction throughout the enemy territory in actual combat and remold a non-hostile political and military environment in the region For this reason, the United States will not rule out the U.S. military occupation of its territory or forcibly changing the nature of its regime. This is a reflection on the Gulf War, giving the goal of a comprehensive U.S. military operation and its broader mission as well as a major amendment to its strategic tactics of “non-contact” and “zero death” in the partial wars in the United States in the past.
近年来,长沙市雨花区人民法院就审判监督如何拓展职能进行了有益的探索,摸索出了一套新的审判监督工作机制,取得了良好效果,使审判监督成为领导决策的基础, In recent years
用缀在肩章或领章等处的等级符号,标明军人军事级别和社会地位的称号,叫做军衔。你是否知道,军衔这里面还有许多的说道哩。 军衔设置说道多 军衔的等级,通常由将官、校官、
李商隐“无题诗”历来备受关注,阻隔感是其诗主要特色,本文着重探讨无题诗中的隔与不隔及物象及心象的关系,并讨论无题诗从隔到不隔的转换。 Li Shangyin “Untitled Poem
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1999年11月~2000年12月,笔者在英国皇家国防研究学院留学一年,收获很大,印象极深。 “小联合国” 英国皇家国防研究学院成立于1927年,早期称“帝国国防大学”,1970年改为现名
摘 要:通过上述对哈特坚持法律与道德的分离以及富勒坚持法律与道德的结合的分析,我们可以得出一个结论,即哈特与富勒都有一个共同的目标--忠于法律。哈特认为,只有将法律与道德严格分离才能明确法律的界线,才能避免非法律因素对法律的侵蚀,从而在司法实践中实现"忠于法律"的目标,使法律的权威得到维护。而富勒认为,法律与道德的分离将会使"忠于法律"的义务因缺少价值依据而失去意义,并且在实践中也很难得到真正的