In situ reproductive organs of Early Cretaceous ferns from Northeast China

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FILICOPSIDA is a predominant group of the Early Cretaceous floras of Northeast China, whichapproximates 100 species and accounts for more than one third of the floras. The majority ofthis group are of great importance and significance in stratigraphy. The previous studies ofthese ferns are mainly morphological, with only a few concerning the in situ spores andsporangia. In recent years. the authors have carried out a research project on the in situreproductive organs of the Early Cretaceous ferns from/ basins of Inner Mongolia, Liaoning,Jilin and Heilongjiang of Northeast China. The study focuses on 35 species of 17 genera be-longing to 10 families. The present note briefly introduces the results of this study by listingsome representative species. The majority ofthis group are of great importance and significance in stratigraphy. The previous studies of the ferns are mainly morphological, the only have a few years of the in situ spores study focuses on 35 species of 17 genera be-longing to 10 families. The present note briefly introduces the results of this study by listingsome representative species.
SOLID-STATE ~(13)C nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) technique is an effective method to study the texture of material. Under the condition of high magnetic fie
1997年,香港刚刚回归祖国,10月12日至24日,第八届全国运动会在上海举行,这是二十世纪末我国规模最大的一次全国综合性运动会。  本届全运会旨在展示改革开放政策在我国体育战线取得的丰硕成果,检阅我国体育运动发展的新水平,推动《全民健身计划》和《奥运争光计划》的贯彻落实,其宗旨是:团结、进步、文明、参与,其精神概括为:爱祖国、重参与、讲文明、创佳绩。  “八”字幸运贯穿始终  时隔14年之后,全
φ3~10mm 高速钢直柄麻花钻头过去采用分级淬火、空冷,然后进行正常回火(回火温度560℃,每次一小时,共三次)。为了消除弯曲变形,要进行人工调直。工人用小锤敲打,边调边检直
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