
来源 :农药市场信息 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wumingshichenchen
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2015年已经过去,进入2016年我们又开始了岁首展望的时候。2015年前三季度,基础化工行业整体实现营业收入6.11万亿元,同比增长1.9%,利润总额为3037亿元,同比增长13.0%,行业整体景气继续处于底部整固期,但子行业之间分化明显。农药方面,受安全环保压力不断增大、成本增加、国际国内两个市场需求不旺、高毒农药禁限用等多重因素的影响,农药行业整体上呈现价格低位运行的态势。总体看,农药企业已经进入微利期、保本期。2016年是启动“十三五”环保规划的开局之年,化工行业将面临更为严格的环保压力和节能减排目标,预计后续地方政府和企业将继续加大环保和 2015 is over, and in 2016 we are back to the beginning of the year. The first three quarters of 2015, the basic chemical industry as a whole to achieve operating income of 6.11 trillion yuan, an increase of 1.9%, total profit of 303.7 billion yuan, an increase of 13.0%, the industry as a whole economy continued to bottomed consolidation period, but the differentiation between sub-sectors obvious. Pesticides, due to the increasing pressure of safety and environmental protection, increased costs, weak demand in both domestic and international markets and banned high toxic pesticides and other factors, the pesticide industry as a whole showed a trend of low prices. Overall, the pesticide companies have entered the low profit period, the principal guaranteed. 2016 is the start of the “13th Five-Year Plan”, the chemical industry will face more stringent environmental pressure and energy-saving emission reduction targets. It is expected that follow-up local governments and enterprises will continue to increase environmental protection and
我院自1994年10月~2008年10月共收治经手术治疗病理证实的非特异性输尿管炎18例,现报告如下。资料与方法一、一般资料:本组18例,男性12例,女性6例, Our hospital from Octobe
我科自2004年5月开展后腹腔镜肾盂,输尿管上段切开取石以来有11例患者术中未留置双J管。现将11例患者资料汇报并分析如下: Our department since May 2004 to carry out lap
Unbalanced parental contribution and small effective population size(N e)are common issues during the artifi cial breeding of marine bivalves.The impact of hatc