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人物素描:翁永庆,著名编辑学家。1949年毕业于北京大学医学院医疗系。做过中南海保健医生,曾任中华医学会《中华内科杂志》编辑、编辑出版部主任等职,是中国科学技术期刊编辑学会创始人之一,致力于编辑工作40余年,深得编辑同道的敬重。何慧德,老年医学专家。毕业于北京大学医学院医疗系,从事过多年高干医疗保健工作,后在北京医院老年医学研究所专门从事老年医学研究工作,是中华医学会老年医学分会的创始人之一。作为有突出贡献的专家,二人均享受国务院颁发的政府特殊津贴。 Character Sketch: Weng Yongqing, a famous editorial scientist. In 1949 graduated from Peking University School of Medicine Department of Medicine. He has been a Zhongnanhai health doctor and a former editor and editor of the Chinese Internal Medicine Journal. He is one of the founders of China Science and Technology Journal Editing Society, devoted himself to editorial work for more than 40 years and won the respect of editors . He Huide, geriatrics expert. He graduated from medical department of Peking University Health Science Center, engaged in many years of high medical and health work, and later in Beijing Hospital Institute of Geriatrics specializing in geriatric research, is one of the founders of Chinese Medical Association Geriatric Branch. As experts with outstanding contributions, both of them enjoy special government allowances issued by the State Council.
1966年10月10日,黑龙江省龙江县龙西村一间土坯房里,一个健康男婴呱呱坠地。父亲翟相朝给新生的小儿子取名为志刚,希望孩子将来成为一名志向远大、性格刚强的男子汉。 Octob
为达到科学婚配,孕育健康子代,提高人口素质的目的,我站开展了婚前健康检查工作,现将有关资料分 In order to achieve a scientific match of marriage, give birth to heal