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目的研究医疗保险对中医医院住院医疗服务利用的影响及其机制。方法收集全国100家中医医院住院患者资料,以医疗服务利用行为模型为理论框架,以Multinomial Logit Model方法分析医疗保险对治疗方式选择的影响,以Logit Model分析医疗保险对中草药、中成药使用的影响,以OLSRegressionModel分析医疗保险对住院费用的影响。结果相对自费患者,公费和社保患者接受中西医结合治疗的概率最高,中医治疗最低。同时有医疗保险的患者接受中草药和中成药治疗的概率也比自费患者高。住院费用方面,有医疗保险患者的费用显著高于自费医疗的患者。结论医疗保险对中医医疗服务的利用起着重要的作用,医疗保险制度需要合理设计,以整合和优化中西医医疗资源,充分发挥中医药优势。 Objective To study the impact of medical insurance on the utilization of hospital medical services in Chinese medicine hospitals and its mechanism. Methods The data of inpatients from 100 TCM hospitals in China were collected. Based on the behavioral model of medical service utilization, the influence of medical insurance on the choice of treatment methods was analyzed by Multinomial Logit Model. The impact of Medicare on the use of Chinese herbal medicines and proprietary Chinese medicines was analyzed by Logit Model , OLSRegressionModel analysis of the impact of medical insurance on hospitalization costs. The results relative to their own patients, public health and social security patients with the highest probability of treatment of Integrative Medicine, Chinese medicine treatment the lowest. At the same time, patients with medical insurance to accept the treatment of Chinese herbal medicine and proprietary Chinese medicine is also higher than the probability of patients at their own expense. Hospitalization costs, the cost of patients with medical insurance was significantly higher than patients with their own medical care. Conclusion Medical insurance plays an important role in the utilization of medical services in China. The medical insurance system needs to be designed rationally to integrate and optimize the medical resources of Chinese and Western medicine so as to give full play to the advantages of Chinese medicine.
<正> 《水阁消暑图》(中国美术家协会收藏,见本期画页)高200公分、宽113公分,绢本设色,无疑,从绢素和绘画风格看来,当是明代人的手笔。这是一幅优秀的工笔重彩仕女画,画着一