在房地产产权登记过程中形成了大量的文件材料 ,这是构成房地产档案的重要组成部分。保证这些文件材料的齐全、完整 ,就是保护产权人合法权益。笔者在十年的房地产工作实践中 ,总结了一些收集工作的经验 ,将之概括为“三关” :1、把好文件材料的审核关。房地产行政工作人员在
In the real estate registration process formed a lot of documents and materials, which constitutes an important part of the real estate file. Ensure that these documents are complete and complete, is to protect the legitimate rights and interests of property owners. In ten years of real estate work practice, the author summarizes some experience in collecting work and summarizes it as “three levels”: 1, to check the documents and materials. Real estate administrative staff at