沉痛的教训 有力的鞭策——唐山大地震十年后,看我国地震分析预报科技工作的发展

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震惊中外的唐山大地震已经过去10年了,但其所酿成的惨不忍睹的巨灾在人们心中留下了难忘的印象,更刻骨铭心地记在地震工作者的心中.经过10年的总结、消化和吸收,沉痛的教训、巨大的血的代价已开始转化为奋发前进的力量.在党、国家和社会的关怀支持下,我国的地震科技工作正在克服前进道路上的种种阻碍,坚定地扎实地向前迈进.通过成功与失败的反复对比、总结和思考,我国的地震工作者对我国地震活动的规律及震前异常现象取得了一些基本认识.我国大陆地震属板块内部地震,与典型的环太平洋板块俯冲带不同,具地震活动区域辽阔分散,各地震区、带地震的频度、强度、复发周期等差异性很大的特点,因地震类型复杂,震源浅,地面效应显著,而预报的难度更大.尽管如此,各种研究表明,我国的强震活动在空间和时间分布上仍然具有一定的规律性.在空间上,它 It has been 10 years since the Tangshan earthquake that shocked both China and foreign countries, but its appalling catastrophe has left an unforgettable impression in people’s minds and is more memorable in the minds of earthquake workers. After 10 years of summary, digestion With the help of the party, the state and the society, the earthquake science and technology work in our country is overcoming the obstacles on the road to progress and resolutely and steadily Moving forward.Through the repeated comparison and summary of the successes and failures, the earthquake workers in our country have made some basic understanding of the laws of earthquake activity and anomalies before the earthquake in China.China’s mainland earthquake belongs to the intra-plate earthquake with the typical ring Due to the different types of subduction zones in the Pacific plate, there are vast differences in seismic activity areas, great differences in the frequency, intensity and recurrence of earthquakes in each earthquake zone. Because of the complex types of earthquakes and shallow focal sources, the ground effect is significant. However, However, all kinds of studies show that the strong earthquake activity in our country still has certain regularity in the distribution of space and time. On it, it
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