1993年8月14日,世界汉语教学学会在北京香山饭店举行了会员大会。大会由学会副会长佟秉正主持。大会首先向已故世界汉语教学学会会长朱德熙先生默哀。大会进行了以下议程: 一、听取副会长吕必松的工作报告; 二、听取秘书长程棠的财务报告; 三、进行换届选举。 到会全体会员以热烈的掌声通过了上述两个报告。按学会章程规定,以无记名投票方式,选举产生了第三届理事会。世界汉语教学学会第三届理事会由61名理事组成。 会员大会以后,举行了理事会,选举了会长、副会长、秘书长和常务理事。名单如下:会长吕必松(中国)、副会长黎天睦(美国)、卢绍昌(新加坡)、佟秉正(英国)、秘书长李潍籍(中国)。常务理事12
August 14, 1993, the World Chinese Language Institute held a member conference in Beijing Xiangshan Hotel. The meeting was presided over by Tong Bingzheng, vice chairman of the society. The congress first retired to Mr. Chu Te-hee, president of the deceased World Chinese Language Institute. The General Assembly held the following agenda: First, to listen to the Vice Chairman Lu Lisong’s work report; Second, to hear the Secretary-General Cheng Tang’s financial report; Third, the general election. At the meeting, all the members passed the above two reports with warm applause. According to the constitution of the Institute, the third board of directors was elected by secret ballot. The third session of the World Chinese Teaching Association is composed of 61 members. After the general assembly, the board of directors was held and the president, vice president, secretary general and standing director were elected. The list is as follows: President Lu Bizong (China), Vice-Chairman Li Tianmu (United States), Lu Shaochang (Singapore), Tong Bingzheng (United Kingdom) and Secretary-General Li Weizhi (China). Standing Director 12