Firefighters:Heroes of the City消防员:火场上的真英雄

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  Ring! Ring! Ring! It is the fire alarm(火警)! A house is on fire! Firefighters(消防员) are on their way(在路上).

Firefighters machines


  The fire truck(消防车) is an important firefighting machine. There are different kinds of fire trucks. These are the four common(常见的) kinds.
  Tanker truck 供水消防车
  It carries(携带) water to fight(与……斗争) fires in places without water.
  Ladder truck 云梯车
  It carries ladders of many different sizes(大小).
  Pumper truck 泵车
  It carries a pump(抽水泵) and long hoses(管子). It can pump(抽水) water.
  Rescue truck 救護消防车
  It carries supplies(必需品) to help hurt(受伤的) people.
  Firefighters put out many kinds of fires. They put out house and factory fires. They also put out forest fires and other kinds of fires.

  Firefighters do more than putting out fires. For example,they help people open stuck(被卡住的) doors. Or if(如果) there are beehives(蜂窝) in trees near buildings,they will come to help.
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