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今年是我国农村五保供养制度建立50周年,新修订的《农村五保供养制度》自3月1 日正式施行。新《条例》重点修改了有关农村五保供养资金渠道的规定,明确今后五保供养资金在地方政府预算中安排,中央财政对财政困难地区的农村五保供养给予补助。这一规定将农村最困难的群众纳入了公共财政的保障范围,实现了五保供养从农民集体内部的互助共济体制,向国家财政供养为主的现代社会保障体制的历史性转变。为切实做好新《条例》的贯彻执行工作,民政部召开了视频会议。会上,李学举部长回顾了农村五保供养制度自初步建立以来的发展历程,总结了我国农村五保供养在实践中改革,在改革中发展,取得的显著成绩,强调要充分认识《条例》修订施行的重大意义, 并就如何学习宣传和贯彻落实新《条例》作出了部署,对推进农村五保供养工作提出了明确要求。 This year marks the 50th anniversary of the establishment of the system of providing guarantees for rural residents in our country. The newly revised “System of Providing Rural Five Guarantees” was officially implemented on March 1. The new “Regulations” have mainly revised the provisions on the channels for providing capital for rural residents in five-guarantee system, clarified that in the future, the five-guarantee fund will be arranged in the budget of local governments, and the central government will grant subsidies to rural residents in areas with financial difficulties. This stipulation included the most difficult people in rural areas in the protection of public finance and realized the historical transformation of the five guarantees system from the system of mutual aid and mutual aid within the collective of peasants to the modern social security system mainly supported by state finance. In order to effectively implement the new “Regulations”, the Ministry of Civil Affairs held a video conference. At the meeting, Minister Li Xueju reviewed the development history of the rural Wubao system since the initial establishment and summarized the remarkable achievements made in the reform of China’s Wubao system in rural areas and the reforms. He emphasized that it is necessary to fully understand the revision of the “Regulations” Implementation of the great significance of and how to learn how to promote and implement the new “Regulations” made its deployment, to promote rural five guarantees provide a clear requirement.
近日,国务委员陈至立、文化部部长孙家正、体育总局局长刘鹏、福建省省长黄小晶等领导乘坐厦航 MF8102航班赴厦,出席2007年厦门国际马拉松赛暨全国马拉松锦标赛的开跑仪式。
On the platform of UG general CAD system, a customized module dedicated to turbo-jet engine blade design is implemented to support the integration of CAD/CAE/CA
4月6日,民航总局杨元元局长乘坐厦航 MF8117航班由福州前往无锡。航程中,杨局长与乘务人员亲切交谈,勉励大家继续为广大旅客做好优质服务工作,并与机组人员合影留念。 Apri