强化思想政治建设的首位意识 盯着问题定措施——曲靖军分区围绕《决定》制定加强思想政治建设措施

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为深入贯彻全军思想政治工作会议精神,努力实现“两个提供”的历史使命,云南曲靖军分区政治部针对薄弱环节制定加强思想政治建设的具体措施:一是针对市场经济条件下经济利益、社会生活方式、社会组织、就业岗位多样化对官兵思想政治观念所带来的影响,从思想政治建设的指导思想、任务、内容、原则等方面,突出“首位”意识,增强部队做好思想工作的使命感和责任感,确保从思想、政治、组织上为“打得赢”、“不变质”提供可靠保证;二是针对部分干部政治素质还不能适应加强思想政 In order to thoroughly implement the spirit of the ideological and political work conference of the entire army and strive to realize the historic mission of “providing two”, the political department of Yunnan’s Qujing Army Division formulated specific measures for strengthening ideological and political building in light of the weaknesses: First, in light of the economic interests under the market economy, From the guiding ideology, tasks, contents and principles of ideological and political construction, we should give prominence to the “first” awareness and enhance the army’s ideological and political work so as to bring about the impact of the diversified social lifestyles, social organizations and jobs on the ideological and political concepts of officers and men The sense of mission and responsibility to ensure that from the ideological, political and organizational “to win the fight,” “no deterioration” to provide a reliable guarantee; second is aimed at some of the political quality of cadres can not adapt to strengthening the ideological and political
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