
来源 :种子世界 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bestext
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1.芽稻种子播前处理措施 (1)抢晴晒种:在浸种前抓住晴好天气,将种子晒1~2个太阳,这样的措施,能够提高种皮的透气性,加快种子吸水过程。据中科院植生所研究,晒种能够增强胚的生活力,明显提高不同成熟度种子的发芽势和发芽率。对芽稻种子而言,种子透气性的增强和种胚生活力的提高有助于增强好种子的抗逆能力,抑制芽稻的破坏作用。 (2)清水选种采用比重法剔除芽稻能起到机械无法达到提高净度的作用。采用清水选种和比重液为1:10的泥水选种的两个种子用价分别为67%和57.9%,清水选种简便有效,可操作性强。清水选种的具体操作过程为:将芽稻种子放在淘箩中或透水的袋内,浸入水中,用手搅动2~3分钟, 1. Bud seed sowing pre-treatment measures (1) grab sunny sun species: before seeding seize the fine weather, the sun 1 to 2 sun seeds, such measures can improve the permeability of the seed coat and speed up the process of seed absorption . According to the Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences, sunning can enhance embryo viability and significantly increase the germination potential and germination rate of seeds of different maturity. For germinated rice seeds, the increase of seed’s air permeability and embryo viability can enhance the resilience of good seeds and inhibit the destructive effects of budding rice. (2) The selection of fresh water using the proportion method to remove the bud rice can play the role of mechanical can not achieve to improve the clarity. The price of the two seeds which were selected with the fresh water and the specific gravity of 1:10 muddy water was 67% and 57.9% respectively. The selection of fresh water was simple and effective, and the operability was strong. The specific operation of water selection process is: the buds of rice buds on Amoy or water-permeable bag, immersed in water, hand stirred for 2 to 3 minutes,
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