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目前,世界上所有国家面临的共同危机包括:环境污染、全球性流行病和金融不稳定性。我们不能再用把我们带入危机状态的管理方法,来解决这些危机。事实上,正像爱因斯坦曾经说过的那样:“我们不能用产生这些问题的思维方式,来解决当今世界存在的问题。”我们生活在危机之中的这个事实已被大家所认同,那么世界处于脆弱状态的事实也可以被大家所接受。为了使消除危机的工作取得进展,我们必须了解两个部分:什么样的思维方式将我们带入现在的危机状态,以及我们应该采用什么新的思维方式以摆脱危机?本文就这些问题,以金融危机为例,阐述如何解决困扰全人类的普遍性问题。应对金融危机的战略将被作为一个系统解决方案加以说明。这种新的思维方式依赖于对管理原则、哲学和方法的重新解释,关注解决经济危机根源的已被证实的方法。而正是由于我们缺乏质量管理而产生的传统思维和行为方式的缺陷,导致了经济危机的发生。现在是克服我们传统思维方式中的隐性失效模式的时候了。 At present, all countries in the world face common crises including: environmental pollution, the global epidemic and financial instability. We can no longer tackle these crises with the management methods that brought us into crisis. In fact, just as Einstein once said: “We can not use the ways of thinking that created these problems to solve the problems in our world today.” The fact that we are living in crisis has been acknowledged by all , Then the fact that the world is in a vulnerable state can be accepted by all. In order to make progress in eliminating the crisis, we must understand two parts: what kind of thinking brings us into the current state of crisis and what new thinking should we adopt to get out of the crisis? In this paper, As an example, to explain how to solve the universal problem that plagues all mankind. The strategy to deal with the financial crisis will be explained as a systematic solution. This new way of thinking relies on a reinterpretation of management principles, philosophies and methodologies and on the proven methods of addressing the root causes of the economic crisis. It is precisely because of our lack of quality management and the traditional ways of thinking and behavior defects, led to the economic crisis. Now is the time to overcome the hidden failure modes in our traditional way of thinking.
2009年1 1月1 9日,上海市质量技术监督局就“质量和安全年”活动召开四季度新闻发布会。局新闻发言人沈伟民副局长发布了今年以来服务世博、保障世博质量与安全等方面的工作
急性心肌梗死(acute myocardial infraction,AMI)作为冠心病中死亡风险最高的亚型,在目前医疗高新技术发展日新月异的环境下仍然是导致心源性死亡的首要心血管疾病。尽管目前有多种标志物可用于急性心肌梗死预后的风险评价,但大多数检测指标距离临床应用还有一定距离。在急性心肌细胞缺血缺氧所引起的心肌凝固性坏死以及坏死后心肌的组织重构过程都有炎症细胞与炎症因子的参与,并在其发生发展过