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估算是根据已有数据和某些要求对计算结果进行大概的推断,是在日常生活中遇到不需要得到精确结果的情况时对数据的一种快速、敏锐的感应、处理能 Estimation is based on available data and some estimates of the results of the general inference is encountered in daily life do not need to get accurate results when the data of a rapid and sensitive induction,
目的评价尿激酶(UK)联用硫酸镁(MS)治疗急性心肌梗塞(AMI)的临床疗效及安全性。方法151例AMI住院患者随机分为UK +MS组(UM组 ,76例)和UK组(75例) ,除UM组在静滴UK前15min开始
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