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随着电讯事业的快速发展和人民群众参政议政、自我保护意识的不断增强,我国许多城市先后设立了市长公开电话。作为新形势下城市政府工作的一项发展与创新,这个电话的设立无疑为加强政府与人民群众之间的联系开辟了一条直接通道,在实践中政府利用这个通道也确实为基层和群众办了不少实事,解决了不少各种各样的难题。但是,就目前情况看,市长公开电话应有的作用事实上还并未充分发挥出来,个别部门和单位对群众通过市长公开电话所反映的问题并不重视,也不积极处理,以致引起群众重复上访。这表明市长公开电话办理工作中还存在一些问题,某些环节尚不健全,影响了市长公开电话的办理效果。综合部分城市的实践,表现较为突出的主要有如下三个问题:一是办理速度慢、效率低。对群众通过电话反 With the rapid development of telecommunications and the people’s political participation and deliberation and self-protection awareness, many cities in our country have set up the mayor’s public telephone number one after another. As a development and innovation in the work of urban government in the new situation, the establishment of this telephone line undoubtedly opens up a direct channel for strengthening the ties between the government and the masses of the people. In practice, the use of this channel by the government does indeed work for the grassroots and the masses A lot of realities, to solve a lot of various problems. However, as far as the present situation is concerned, the due role of the mayor’s open telephone has not actually been brought into full play. Some departments and units have not paid much attention to the issues reflected by the mayor through public telephone calls, and have not actively dealt with them. Repeated petitions by the masses. This shows that there are still some problems in the mayor’s open telephone handling work, and some links are still not perfect, affecting the handling effect of the mayor’s open telephone. Comprehensive practice in some cities, the more prominent are the following three problems: First, the handling speed is slow, inefficient. Against the masses by phone
我在国家行政机关办公室从事文秘工作多年,在工作实践中,越来越感到规范性文件的重要。 一、规范性文件的含义和特点 什么是规范性文件?它是一种非常重要的公务文书。我理解
目的:  观察不同深度复合麻醉对老年人下腹部手术术后早期认知功能及围术期炎性反应的影响。探寻适合老年人全麻复合硬膜外阻滞行下腹部手术中合适的麻醉深度。  方法:  
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××省经济贸易委员会文件 ×经贸经运字【1995】33号 关于印发×××副省长在一九九四年度全省经济运行工作总结表彰会上的讲话的通知各市、州经委(计经委),省直有关厅(局
西门豹但任邺县的县令时,廉洁自守,涓滴归公,从来不曾为私利设想,尤其不愿逢迎魏文侯左右的宠臣,因此这些宠臣都憎恨他。 西门豹任期满一年时,他循例向朝廷述职。魏文侯没收