Evolution and application of in-seam drilling for gas drainage

来源 :International Journal of Mining Science and Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:whywxh
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The presence of seam gas in the form of methane or carbon dioxide presents a hazard to underground coal mining operations.In-seam drilling has been undertaken for the past three decades for gas drainage to reduce the risk of gas outburst and lower the concentrations of seam gas in the underground ventilation.The drilling practices have reflected the standards of the times and have evolved with the development of technology and equipment and the needs to provide a safe mining environment underground.Early practice was to adapt equipment from other felds,with rotary drilling being the only form of drilling available.This form of drainage allowed various levels of gas drainage coverage but with changing emphasis,research and development within the coal industry has created specifc equipment,technology and practices to accurately place in-seam boreholes to provide effcient and effective gas drainage.Research into gas content determination established a standard for the process and safe levels for mining operations to continue.Surveying technology improved from the wire-line,single-shot Eastman survey instruments which was time-dependent on borehole depth to electronic instruments located in the drill string which transmitted accurate survey data to the drilling crew without time delays.This allowed improved directional control and increased drilling rates.Directional drilling technology has now been established as the industry standard to provide effective gas drainage drilling.Exploration was identifed as an additional beneft with directional drilling as it has the ability to provide exploration data from long boreholes.The ability of the technology to provide safe and reliable means to investigate the need for inrush protection and water drainage ahead of mining has been established.Directional drilling technology has now been introduced to the Chinese coal industry for gas drainage through a practice of auditing,design,supply,training and ongoing support.Experienced drilling crews can offer site specifc gas drainage drilling services utilising the latest equipment and technology. The presence of seam gas in the form of methane or carbon dioxide presents a hazard to underground coal mining operations. In-seam drilling has been committed for the past three decades for gas drainage to reduce the risk of gas outburst and lower the concentrations of seam gas in the underground ventilation. drilling practices have reflected the standards of the times and have evolved with the development of technology and equipment and the needs to provide a safe mining environment underground. Early practice was to adapt equipment from other felds, with rotary drilling being the only form of drilling available.This form of drainage allowed various levels of gas drainage coverage but with changing emphasis, research and development within the coal industry has created specifc equipment, technology and practices to precisely place in-seam boreholes to provide effcient and effective gas drainage. Research into gas content determination established a standard for the process and safe lev els for mining operations to continue. Surveying technology improved from the wire-line, single-shot eastman survey instruments which was time-dependent on borehole depth to electronic instruments located in the drill string which transmitted accurate survey data to the drilling crew without time delays .This allowed improved directional control and increased drilling rates. Direction drilling technology has now been established as the industry standard to provide effective gas drainage drilling. Exploration was found as an additional beneft with directional drilling as it has the ability to provide exploration data from long boreholes.The ability of the technology to provide safe and reliable to to investigate the need for inrush protection and water drainage ahead of mining has been established. Direction drilling technology has now been introduced to the Chinese coal industry for gas drainage through a practice of auditing , design, supply, training and ongoing support.Experienceddrilling crews can offer site specific gas drainage drilling services utilising the latest equipment and technology.
患者,女,40岁.2007年3月17日晨5时许,睡眠中感恶心不适,起床上卫生间时突然呕吐胃内容物及暗红色血液约2 000 ml,并出现晕厥,伴四肢湿冷、面色苍白、畏寒,无胸闷、腹痛、返酸、"烧心"、发热等症,约40 min后到达我院.查体:神志清,精神差,全身皮肤苍白、湿冷,脉搏细速,血压90/60 mm Hg,双肺呼吸音清,心率110次/min,腹平软,上腹部压痛弱阳性,肝脾未触及肿大,全身无出
患者男,8个月,藏族.以腹泻伴呕吐6 d,气促、呻吟、嗜睡1 d为主诉于2009年3月27日急转入我院.个人史:第二胎第二产,孕足月顺产,旧法接生,无出生窒息史,出生体重不详,出生后人工喂养至今(以糌耙为主),未添加牛奶、鸡蛋及瘦肉等食物,生长发育较同龄儿童落后.既往史:易患上呼吸道感染和腹泻,已按时预防接种,居住在偏远农村,家中经济条件差。