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入秋以来,干旱少雨的天气使山西省大部分地区森林火灾发生的几率越来越高。不久前,晋中市林业局的一名工作人员就在远程监控显示屏上发现了冒烟现象,他随即把光标移过去,显示为“平遥宝塔山林场”。两分钟后,远在百里之外的宝塔山林场迅速组织扑救,不到半个小时,一场可能漫及整个林区的高危火情被消灭于无形。这一监控系统,正是山西省林业厅与中国移动山西公司共同开发建设的森林远程视频监控系统。10月30日,山西省“省─市─县(监控点)”三级森林远程视频监控系统建设完成,实现了对全省70%以上森林资源进行24小时实时监控预警,大大提高了山西省预防和扑救森林火灾的综合能力。据悉,该系统可使森林火灾的年发生率低于2次/10万公顷,年受害率低于0.1‰,控制率低于10公顷/次。同时,该系统还可兼顾森林资源管理和有害生物监测,同时可实现电视电话会议和森林火灾可视指挥等综合功能。这在全国尚属首家,标志着山西省森林防火工作实现了全面信息化,走在了全国前列。 Since autumn, arid and dry weather has made forest fires more likely to occur in most parts of Shanxi Province. Not long ago, a staff member from the forestry bureau of Jinzhong City found smoke on the remote monitoring display. He then moved the cursor over to show “Pingyao Baita Mountain Forest Farm.” Two minutes later, Paotang Mountain Farm, a fortress hundred miles away, quickly organized the rescue. In less than half an hour, a high-risk fire that could have spread through the entire forest was eliminated. This monitoring system is precisely the forest remote video surveillance system jointly developed and constructed by Shanxi Provincial Forestry Department and China Mobile Shanxi Corporation. On October 30, the construction of three-level forest remote video monitoring system was completed in Shanxi Province. The real-time monitoring and warning of forest resources in more than 70% of the province was realized 24 hours a day, greatly improving Shanxi Province to prevent and save the comprehensive ability of forest fires. It is reported that the system can make the annual incidence of forest fires less than 2 times / 100,000 hectares, the annual victimization rate is less than 0.1 ‰ and the control rate is less than 10 hectares / time. At the same time, the system can also take into account both forest resource management and pest monitoring, as well as comprehensive functions such as videoconference and visual command of forest fires. This is the first of its kind in the country, marking a complete informationization of forest fire prevention work in Shanxi Province and taking the lead in the country.
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