
来源 :中国神经精神疾病杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lizq06
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临床资料 男,36岁。反复癫痫发作7年,加重1个月。开始每年发作3~4次,均为大发作。未经系统抗癫痫治疗。近1个月内发作6次,伴有头胀痛,无恶心呕吐,头颅CT见前纵裂3×4cm~2高密度病灶,其右侧可见水肿带。经股动脉插管脑血管造影,见右侧大脑前动脉不显影,大脑中动脉行走正常。右侧颈外动脉造影见右侧额顶部硬脑膜血管异常增多变粗,呈网状,矢状窦过早显影。左侧颈内动脉造影,正位片左侧大脑前动脉3段弧形左移,远端可见双侧大脑前动脉显影;侧位片见左侧大脉前动脉3段下压,颈外动脉系统见与右侧相 Clinical data Male, 36 years old. Recurrent seizures for 7 years, increased 1 month. 3 to 4 episodes of onset each year, are major episodes. Without systematic antiepileptic treatment. Almost 6 months episodes within 6 months, accompanied by head pain, no nausea and vomiting, head CT see the anterior longitudinal cleft 3 × 4cm ~ 2 high-density lesions, the right side of the visible edema zone. The femoral artery catheter cerebral angiography, see the right anterior cerebral artery is not developing, the middle cerebral artery walking is normal. The right side of the external carotid artery angiography seen on the right side of the top of the dural vascular abnormalities increased thicker, reticular, sagittal sinus premature development. Left internal carotid artery angiography, anteroposterior left anterior cerebral artery 3 arc left, distal visible bilateral anterior cerebral artery imaging; lateral view of the left anterior descending artery section 3, the external carotid artery See the system and the right phase
此文系作者在美国洛杉矶第36届核医学年会上作的总结报告.译者略有删节. This article is the author’s summary report on the 36th annual conference of nuclear medici
本文用NaI(Tl)γ谱仪测量活体动物体内的~(40)K γ能谱,采用与标准模拟动物模型相比较的方法(对比法)测定动物体内钾含量。实验结果表明:本方法与常规原子吸收法测定结果偏差
急性外伤性硬膜下积液易为临床误诊,现将我院近三年来经CT扫描证实的、不伴有其他颅脑损伤的外伤性急性硬膜下积液84例报告如下。 临床资料 本组84例中男性68例,女性16例,年
对原长筒放料阀结构从其结构及成本两个方面进行分析和改进,使阀门更轻巧,更经济,满足了用户的要求。 The original structure of the discharge valve from the structure