
来源 :中国文艺家 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cenyizhon
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儿童画的教学由于教材陈旧,内容单一,缺乏创新;教学方式呆板,千篇一律的教师范画,学生模仿,扼杀了儿童的想象力和创造力。作为美术教师,应该具有理解儿童,善于和儿童建立密切融洽关系的能力,要听懂儿童的声音,了解儿童喜欢什么,需要什么,能随时进入儿童的天地中,以平等、友善的态度与儿童交朋友。借助童话资源,大胆运用新媒体,挖掘本土资源等手段的运用,一定能让孩子创作出非常真实的、充满童趣、充满阳光的好作品! Children’s drawing teaching is outdated because of old teaching materials, single content, lack of innovation; teaching rigid, stereotyped teacher fan painting, students imitate, stifling children’s imagination and creativity. As art teachers, they should have the ability to understand children and be good at establishing close and harmonious relations with children. They should understand the voices of children, understand what children like, and what they need to be able to enter the world of children at any time. With an equal and friendly attitude, make friends. With fairy tale resources, bold use of new media, mining local resources and other means of use, will allow children to create a very real, full of childlike, full of sunshine good works!
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图象法是处理实验数据常用的一种方法,它不仅具有简单明了、形象直观的特点,还能起到一般计算法所起不到的作用,在恒定电流中,伏安(U一I)特征曲线主要有两种:一 本文为全文原貌 未安装PDF浏览器用户请先下载安装 原
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