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自主学习是与传统学习方法相对应的一种现代化的教学方式,指把学习的主动权交给学生,最大限度地发挥学生在教学中的主体作用。本文简要分析了小学高年级语文教学中培养学生自主学习能力的必要性和重要性,并对学生自主学习能力的培养策略进行探讨和分析。 Autonomous learning is a modern teaching method corresponding to the traditional learning method, which refers to handing initiative of learning to students and maximizing students’ main role in teaching. This article briefly analyzes the necessity and importance of cultivating students ’ability of autonomous learning in the first grade of primary school, and discusses and analyzes the training strategies of students’ autonomous learning ability.
Objective:To measure the expression pattern of STAT2 in cenical cancer initiation and progression in tissue sections from patients with cervicitis,dysplasia,and
目的 观察孙跃农主任医师运用自拟健脾补肾化痰方治疗多囊卵巢综合征的疗效.结论 孙跃农主任医师是云南省第三批中医药师带徒工作指导老师,常运用自拟健脾补肾化痰方治疗此病
Objective:To compare the eflect of zoledronic acid in treatment and prevention of osteoporosis with placebo.Methods:Random control trials regarding zoleilroiiic
The new method which uses the consensus algorithm to solve the coordinate control problems of multiple unmanned underwater vehicles (multi-UUVs) formation in th
水是生命之源、生产之要、生态之基. 兴水利、除水害,事关人类生存、经济发展、社会进步,历来是治国安邦的大事. 随着我国经济机构的转型,工业化进程的加速,城市化速度的加快
陶行知1说:“学生有了兴味,就肯用全副精神去做事情。”因此,老师要在课上创设别样的情境,让学生去探索题目的深意,去咀嚼、感悟文章及词语的温度。 Tao Xingzhi 1 said: