睡眠呼吸暂停综合征(Sleep apnea syndrome,SAS)在近1、2、3年来极为人们所关注,发现它与多种疾病相关联;认为对SAS发生机理的探讨,将会对某些疾病猝死的死因予以更深刻的解释,例如心脏性猝死、婴儿猝死综合征、肺心病、高原病和肥胖低通气综合征等。甚至有人将这些患者的睡眠认为是危险的睡眠。SAS是指在夜间睡眠7个小时内,发生30次以上的至少持续10秒钟的呼吸窒息所引起的一系列病理生理学变化的症候群。其主要特征是夜间发生呼吸异常,血氧饱和度下降和心血管机能紊乱。后两者是本征对机体的主要危害因素,称为致死性的变化。患者还常有
Sleep apnea syndrome (SAS) has drawn great attention in recent 1, 2 and 3 years and found to be associated with various diseases. It is believed that the investigation of the mechanism of SAS will lead to sudden death of some diseases Cause of death to a more profound explanation, such as sudden cardiac death, sudden infant death syndrome, pulmonary heart disease, altitude sickness and obesity and other syndromes. Some people even think of these patients’ sleep as dangerous sleep. SAS refers to a series of pathophysiological changes that occur over 30 episodes of respiratory asphyxia for at least seven hours of nighttime sleep, at least for 10 seconds. The main feature is the occurrence of respiratory abnormalities at night, decreased oxygen saturation and cardiovascular dysfunction. The latter two are the main intrinsic hazards to the body, called fatal changes. Patients often