
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(胃肠病学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bhfoot
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Background: The clinical relevance of the circulating soluble form of the Fas-Receptor (sFas) was investigated in patients with hepatitis C receiving type 1 interferon (IFN) therapy. Methods: sFas was quantified by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay in 66 hepatitis C virus (HCV) carriers and 30 HCV-naive or previously infected controls. The levels were then monitored during enhanced treatment with type 1 IFNs in 15 chronic hepatitis C patients. Results: The HCV carriers had high levels of sFas compared with controls (3.8 ±1.3 vs 2.7 ±0.8ng/ml; P < 0.001). sFas levels in patients with chronic HCV infection were directly related to serum alanine aminotransferase levels (r = 0.440; P < 0.001) and the histological grade (r = 0.403; P = 0.019). Among necroinflammatory reactions, only piecemeal necrosis showed a correlation with sFas levels (r = 0.556; P = 0.001). Pretreatment sFas levels, however, were not predictive of therapeutic outcomes. A sustained virological response to enhanced IFN therapy showed a relation to only the pretreatment HCV load. Interestingly, circulating sFas was upregulated when IFN-βwas administered at short intervals (3MU/every 12h). This upregulation was accompanied by parallel aminotransferase elevation, which was observed regardless of a virological response. Conclusions: sFas elevation, in parallel with the severity of liver injury, suggests the possible upregulation of hepatic Fas expression and the Fas-mediated pathway in both HCV-and type 1 IFN-induced liver injury. The essential function of sFas to protect hepatocytes against Fas-mediated liver injury was not evident in these clinical settings. Background: The clinical relevance of the circulating soluble form of the Fas-Receptor (sFas) was investigated in patients with hepatitis C receiving type 1 interferon (IFN) therapy. Methods: sFas was quantified by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay in 66 hepatitis C virus (HCV) carriers and 30 HCV-naive or previously infected controls. The levels were then monitored during enhanced treatment with type 1 IFNs in 15 chronic hepatitis C patients. Results: The HCV carriers had high levels of sFas compared with controls (3.8 ± 1.3 vs 2.7 ± 0.8 ng / ml; P <0.001). sFas levels in patients with chronic HCV infection were directly related to serum alanine aminotransferase levels (r = 0.440; P <0.001) and the histological grade Among necroinflammatory reactions, only piecemeal necrosis showed a correlation with sFas levels (r = 0.556; P = 0.001). Pretreatment sFas levels, however, were not predictive of therapeutic outcomes. A sustained virological response to enhanced IFN therapy showed a relation to only the pretreatment HCV load. Interestingly, circulating sFas was upregulated when IFN-β was administered at short intervals (3MU / every 12h). This upregulation was accompanied by parallel aminotransferase elevation, which was observed regardless of a virological response. Conclusions: sFas elevation, in parallel with the severity of liver injury, suggests the possible upregulation of hepatic Fas expression and the Fas-mediated pathway in both HCV-and type 1 IFN-induced liver injury. The essential function of sFas to protect hepatocytes against Fas-mediated liver injury was not evident in these clinical settings.
小时候,我家有个铜制的脚炉,带着点儿绿的光。母亲在里面搁点儿灶膛未烧尽的木柴,然后盖上有很多圆洞眼儿的盖子。我们可喜欢把脚搁在上面烤啦,没一会儿脚就热乎乎的,连身上都暖融融了。  下雪天,烤脚炉是我家的固定“节目”。而在脚炉里烤吃的,更是我们最爱做的。“嘭!”蚕豆烤好了。我们赶紧用筷子把一粒粒蚕豆捡出来,晾凉了装进玻璃瓶里。那就是我们心爱的零食。每天,我都装一口袋烤熟的蚕豆到学校去,下课和小伙伴们
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