打牢基础 协调发展

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基础不牢,地动山摇;基础过硬、无往不胜。要确保人武部干部职工政治合格,必须坚持从打牢思想、组织、管理基础入手,树好形象,促进人武部建设协调发展。一是抓纲举目固根本。要贯彻落实好科学发展观,就必须正确认识科学发展观的本质要求和精神实质、正确理解科学发展观的基本内涵、正确认识和把握国防建设与经济建设的关系。坚决克服和纠正顾此失彼单打一、劳民伤财争彩头、脱离实际搞建设的思想,牢固树立全面、协调、可持续发展的科学观。二是建好队伍强素质。要认真抓好现役干部、专武干 The foundation is not strong, moving trembling; excellent foundation, invincible. To ensure the political qualifications of cadres and workers in the armed forces departments, we must proceed from the basis of laying a solid foundation for ideological, organizational and management work, establish a good image and promote the coordinated development of the people’s armed forces construction. One is to grasp the basic principles of the program. In order to implement the scientific concept of development, we must correctly understand the essential requirements and essence of the scientific concept of development, correctly understand the basic connotation of the scientific concept of development and correctly understand and grasp the relationship between national defense and economic construction. We must resolutely overcome and redress the issue of losing one’s place and one place in a single fight. We face the problem of paying tribute to the masses by labor and property, and deviate from the thinking of practicing construction so as to firmly establish a scientific concept of comprehensive, coordinated and sustainable development. Second, build a strong team quality. We should conscientiously do a good job of cadres in active service
在棉花现蕾的时候,我驱车到莫索湾的农场里去走走看看。这是我上个世纪六七十年代生活过的团场,这里有我太多的牵挂与思念。 As the cotton budded, I drove to the farm in
大师是一位真正的大师,在他所研究的领域,他不仅在国内首屈一指,在国际上也有着相当的影响。鉴于此,大师一直担任着某权威机构的领导人。   60年代,大师自然在劫难逃地一夜之间成了反动学术权威,抛妻别子,下放到某乡村,造反派不知是否出于劳其筋骨、伤其体肤的考虑,把大师安排到铁匠铺里打铁——生产锄头之类的农具。   大师自然从未打过铁,甚至从未干过重体力活,关心他的人都为他捏了一把汗:打铁这粗活,可真够
了一块宅基地,老路8年打了10场“官司”。 2003年,老路所在村实施新的规划。依照规划,老路拆除了旧宅,向村委会申请新的宅基地。之后,老路按村规划实施细则,交了建房押金(该
一、哪些人可以配备枪支?使用枪支有什么要求? (一)公务用枪配备范围。根据《枪支管理法》和《公务用枪配备办法》规定,下列人员可依法配备公务用枪: 1.公安机关、国家安全
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江泽民同志曾经指出 :“创新是一个民族进步的灵魂 ,是一个国家兴旺发达的不竭动力。”这一论述 ,不仅对国家的进步发展具有高瞻远瞩的指导意义 ,而且也指明了企业发展的方向