
来源 :中国刑事警察 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chyo
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探长制的作用不可低估探长制是借鉴国外的先进经验,经过一线指挥员、侦察员的努力实践、研究与探索,在改革开放的形势下摸索出来的新事物。江苏省扬洲市实行的探长制在充分发挥刑警队职能作用方面起到了重要作用。主要表现在:1.提高了工作效率,增强了打击力度破案管理体制的改革,调动了指挥员、侦察员的积极性,增强了事业心和责任心,大家开动脑筋,积极工作,工作效率明显提高。江都市实行探长制后的1994年破案数比1993年多37%,一批影响大的恶性案件得到及时破获,打出了刑侦的气势和声威。2.调动了刑警工作积极性,提高了业务素质探长和探员都感到肩上有压力,发生案件后,主动摸线索、查证据,工作不怕苦,不怕累,加班加点,连续作战,不破不休。另一方面,干警主动学习业务。侦察员积极参与现场勘查,发现、提取痕迹物 The role of probationers should not be underestimated. Exploiting the advanced experience of foreign countries, probing officers’ probationary efforts are based on the advanced experience of other countries and explore new things under the conditions of reform and opening up. Detective system implemented in Yangzhou City of Jiangsu Province played an important role in giving full play to the functions of the Criminal Police Force. Mainly in: 1. To improve the work efficiency and enhance the cracking down on the management system reform, mobilized the enthusiasm of the commanders and scouts, and enhance their professionalism and sense of responsibility, we brains, active work, work efficiency significantly improved . The number of cracked cases in 1994 in Jiangdu City increased by 37% since 1994 compared with 1993, and a number of vicious cases with great influence have been promptly cracked down to exert the momentum and prestige of criminal investigation. 2. mobilized the Interpol enthusiasm and improve the quality of operations Detective and detectives feel pressure on their shoulders, after the incident, take the initiative to touch the clues, check the evidence, the work is not afraid of suffering, not afraid of fatigue, overtime, continuous combat, endless break . On the other hand, police officers take the initiative to learn business. Scout actively participate in on-the-spot investigation, discover and draw traces
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