抓好四个环节 强化财政周转金管理

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财政周转金建立以来,为促进地方经济建设和各项事业的发展发挥了重要作用。但是,在财政周转金的投入使用过程中,也出现了大量呆滞、沉淀现象。加大力度盘活财政周转金,是目前财政工作的一项重要任务。老河口市财政局在“控制规模,限定投向,健全制度、加强监督”的原则下。对财政周转金管理突出抓好“清、投、收、盘”四个环节,取得了较为理想的效果。 1、“清”。该局先后组织12个专班,集中30多名业务骨干,以支农周转金为突破口,分类分项,按照先自查,后检查,再核查的步骤,对全市周转金的投入使用情况进行了全面清理整顿。全市1982年以来累计投放财政周转金8180万元,目前帐面余额为4945.8万元。在清理中注重抓好三个结合:一是清理与完善手续结合。对一些贷款手续不全,逾期未延续合同,一时又难以归还的, Since its establishment, the fiscal working capital has played an important role in promoting the development of local economy and various undertakings. However, a large amount of sluggishness and sedimentation have also appeared in the process of putting the financial working capital into use. To intensify the efforts to revitalize the financial working capital is an important task of the current financial work. The Laohekou Municipal Bureau of Finance under the principle of “controlling the scale, limiting the investment, improving the system and strengthening supervision”. The management of the financial working capital put great emphasis on the four aspects of “clearing, investment, closing and trading” and achieved satisfactory results. 1, “clear.” The council has organized 12 special classes, focused on more than 30 backbone of the business, with the revolving fund of agriculture as a breakthrough, classification, according to the first self-examination, inspection and re-verification steps, the city’s working capital into use A comprehensive clean-up rectification. Since 1982, the city has accumulated a total of 81.8 million yuan of financial circulating funds, with a current account balance of 49.458 million yuan. In the clean-up pay attention to do a good job in three combinations: First, clean up and perfect the combination of procedures. For some incomplete loan procedures, overdue contract is not extended, sometimes difficult to return,
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