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该文依托重庆地铁金山寺车站工程,提出了设计的双侧壁导坑法在Ⅲ~Ⅳ级围岩施工存在的问题,在车站开挖工法初步增选了三台阶法、保留核心土法,对车站开挖三种工法建立弹塑性有限元进行模拟分析,得到了三种开挖工法的围岩位移分析结果,再经过工法比选,提出了一种安全合理的工法,即保留核心土法,从而指导车站的开挖施工,解决了双侧壁导坑法在Ⅲ~Ⅳ级围岩施工存在的问题,可为类似工程提供参考。 Based on the project of Jinshan Temple Station in Chongqing Metro, this paper presents the problems of the construction of surrounding rock with Ⅲ ~ Ⅳ grade by the double sidewall pilot excavation method. In the station excavation method, three steps are added initially to keep the core soil method. Station excavation three kinds of construction methods to establish the elasto-plastic finite element simulation analysis, obtained three kinds of excavation method of surrounding rock displacement analysis results, and then compared with the method of work, put forward a safe and reasonable method, that is retained core soil, Thus guiding the station excavation construction, and solving the problems existing in the construction of Ⅲ ~ Ⅳ grade surrounding rock by the double side guide pit method, which can provide reference for similar projects.
一位思想家曾说过 ,搞数学的人要改行的话 ,最好是去研究哲学 .这句话我始终记得 ,却又始终不能完全理解 .直到最近读了赵光新所著的《数学的智慧之路》一书后 ,才对这句话的
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众所周知 ,新诗的创作讲究含蓄、凝练。作者的抒情往往不是情感的直接倾泻 ,也不是思想的直接灌输 ,而是言在此而意在彼 ,写景则借景抒情 ,咏物则托物言志。这里的所写之“景
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