古城新姿 今日泊镇

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泊镇初兴于隋唐,建镇于金代,史称泊头镇。自古以来不仅是商贾云集的“水陆码头”,也诞生了不少匡国济世之才,可谓人杰地灵,堪称古运河畔的一颗明珠。泊镇位于河北省东南部,北依京津、东临渤海,京杭大运河、京沪铁路、京沪高速公路、104国道穿镇而过。镇区面积66平方公里,人口4.5万。今日的泊镇不仅具有快速、便捷的交通优势,环绕市区和环绕经济技术开发区的地域优势,还拥有铸造、环保设备、运输业、流通业等产业优势。拥有十大专业市场,经营范围涉及蔬菜、水果、服装、鞋 Beixing Chu Xing in the Sui and Tang Dynasties, the town built in the Jin Dynasty, the history of Botou town. Since ancient times, not only merchants gathered in “water and land terminal”, but also the birth of a lot of Marina countries, it can be described as old times, called the Pearl of the ancient canal. Bo town is located in southeastern Hebei Province, north of Beijing and Tianjin, the east Bohai Sea, Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal, the Beijing-Shanghai Railway, the Beijing-Shanghai Expressway, 104 National Road through the town. The town area of ​​66 square kilometers, population 45000. Today’s Bozhen not only has the advantages of rapid and convenient transportation, surrounding the urban area and the geographical advantages of surrounding economic and technological development zones, but also has the industrial advantages of foundry, environmental protection equipment, transportation and circulation. Has ten professional markets, operating in vegetables, fruits, clothing, shoes
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