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目的 了解睾丸获取精子结合卵浆内单精子注射治疗无精子症的疗效。方法 采用睾丸精子卵浆内显微注射方法 ,对 30对无精子症不育症夫妇进行了辅助生育。在女方超排卵治疗获卵当天 ,通过睾丸活检取出曲细精管 ,从中分离精子或应用圆形精子细胞注射入卵浆辅助受精 ,形成胚胎后移植入宫腔。结果 阻塞性无精子症组 10例患者接受了 11个治疗周期 ,受精率 6 7.0 % (6 9/10 3) ,平均移植 3.8个胚胎 ,妊娠 2例 ;非阻塞性无精子症组 2 0例患者接受了 2 1个治疗周期 ,仅 12例患者 13个周期获得精子行睾丸精子卵浆内显微注射 ,受精率 5 9.0 % (72 / 12 2 ) ,11个周期有胚胎移植 ,平均移植 2 .8个胚胎 ,妊娠 3例。首对夫妇已于 1998年 6月孕足月分娩一正常男婴。结论 虽然用睾丸精子卵浆内显微注射的难度较高 ,但可用于辅助无精子症患者生育 ,其疗效及获得精子率仍有待进一步提高。 Objective To understand the therapeutic effect of spermatozoa and sperm injection on intracytoplasmic sperm injection in the treatment of azoospermia. Methods 30 cases of infertility without azoospermia were assisted fertilization by testicular sperm oocyte microinjection method. On the day of ovulation treatment by the woman’s superovulation, the seminiferous tubules are removed through the testis biopsy, the spermatozoa are separated from the spermatozoa, or the round spermatids are injected into the oocyte for auxiliary fertilization to form the embryo and then transplanted into the uterine cavity. Results In the obstructive azoospermia group, 10 patients received 11 cycles of treatment, with a fertilization rate of 6 7.0% (6 9/10 3), an average of 3.8 embryos and 2 pregnancies, and 20 non-obstructive azoospermia patients The patients received 21 cycles of treatment, and only 12 of 13 patients received intracytoplasmic sperm injection of spermatozoa with a fertilization rate of 9.09% (72/122). There were 11 cycles of embryo transfer and mean transplantation Eight embryos, three cases of pregnancy. The first couple gave birth to a normal baby boy during the first trimester of June 1998. Conclusion Although the intracytoplasmic sperm injection of testicular sperm is more difficult, it can be used to assist the development of patients with azoospermia. The efficacy and the rate of gaining sperm still need to be further improved.
现将我院13例肾移植患者血尿素氮(BUN)及血肌酐(Cr)测定值分析如下:1 资料与方法1.1 一般资料:13例患者,男8例,女5例,年龄29岁~52岁。1.2 方法:采用日立7020型自动生化分析
[英 ]/AntonsenJE…∥KidneyInt 1 998,5 3 2 2 3~ 2 2 7 慢性肾衰竭病人常继发甲状旁腺功能亢进 ,本研究目的是确定伴有甲状旁腺功能亢进的透析病人口服新型钙模拟剂NPS R 5 68的安全性 ,并评价该
肾上腺髓质素是近年发现的一种舒血管活性肽 ,在心肾功能调节中发挥重要作用。本文综述了肾上腺髓质素在肾脏的定位和表达、生理功能以及在肾脏疾病中的研究进展。 Adrenome