金宇中是韩国大宇财团的创立者。他白手起家,专业从事贸易业,曾连续四年创下了出口贸易额第一的纪录。 他的“孤注一掷”的经营战略,充分地体现了他不甘落后于人的进取心和锲而不舍的奋斗精神。他独特的经营风格,使“大宇”在短短十余年内就与韩国的“现代”、“三星”两大财团并驾齐驱,跻身于世界经济圈,成为国际性企业集团。他的经营之道和谋略思想别具一格,堪称企业经营之典范。
Kim Yu-chung is the founder of Korea’s Daewoo Foundation. He started from scratch and specializes in the trade industry. He has set a record for the first time in terms of export trade volume for four consecutive years. His “desperate” business strategy fully reflects his unwillingness to lag behind people’s aggressiveness and perseverance. His unique management style has enabled Daewoo to compete with South Korea’s “modern” and “Samsung” consortia in just over ten years, and has become an international business group in the global economic circle. His business management and strategic thinking are unique and can be regarded as a model for business operations.