
来源 :江苏政协 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhuliner
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1997年11月28日下午,盱眙县管镇镇彩旗招展,鼓乐声声,鞭炮齐鸣。由全省民建会员捐资兴建的江苏民建盱眙希望小学落成典礼在这里举行。民建中央名誉副主席、省民建名誉主委陈邃衡,民建中央副主席、省民建主委黄孟复,省民建常务副主委郑建和以及常州、苏州、南京市民建负责人冒雨出席了落成典礼。陈邃衡、黄孟复为希望小学揭牌。这座占地22亩,建筑面积836平方米的希望小学可容纳450名少儿就读。新落成的3层教学楼在细雨中显得格外清新、秀丽。“鲁钝无根关心大器晚成,聪慧有苗注意才智早发”、“琼厦落成希望育才寄千秋,鸿基奠定民建助教传万世”两幅对联从楼顶一直垂到地面。民建的同志与盱眙人民一起沉浸在节日的欢乐之中。少先队员充满激情的献词动人心扉,把落成典礼推向了高潮。陈邃衡与受资助学生的亲切交谈更使贫困儿童热泪盈眶。民建会员与盱眙人民的心贴得更紧、更紧…… On the afternoon of November 28, 1997, the flags of Guanzhen Town in Qionglai County went unhinged, and the sound of drums and firecrackers went together. The donation of civil construction members of the province’s Jiansu Jiankang Hope Elementary School was held here. Chen Miriam, honorary chairman of the Democratic Central Committee of the People’s Republic of China, Chen Suheng, honorary chairman of the Democratic Progressive Party of China, Huang Mengfu, vice chairman of the Democratic National Construction Association, the provincial Democratic Construction Commission, Zheng Jianhe, executive vice chairman of the People’s Democratic Republic of China, and Changzhou, Suzhou and Nanjing citizens. Rain attended the inauguration. Chen Suheng and Huang Mengfu unveiled their Hope Primary School. The Hope Elementary School covers an area of ​​22 acres and a building area of ​​836 square meters and can accommodate 450 children. The new three-story teaching building is particularly fresh and beautiful in the drizzle. “Long-rooted careless glorious glorious late onset, intelligent seedlings pay attention to wisdom early onset ”, “Qiongxia completed hope that Yucai sent Chiaki, Hongji laid the civil rights to teach Wanshi ” two couplets from the roof has been down to the ground. The comrades of the Democratic People’s Republic of China and the mourning people are immersed in the joy of the festival. The Young Pioneers passionate speech touching heart, the completion ceremony to the climax. Chen Suiheng and the gracious conversation among the funded students made the children in poverty even more tears. The hearts of the members of the Democratic Alliance for the Betterment and the People’s Government are tighter and tighter ...
水可以载舟,亦可以覆舟。巧妙的促销可以使企业柳暗花明,笨拙的促销却可以使企业山穷水尽。打开营销史悲惨的一页,让我们谨记:前事不忘后事之师 Water can carry a boat, a
This paper presents a new method (GA|ANN) developed by combining genetic algorithm (GA) and artificial neural networks (ANN) for determining parameters of soils
在 2004 年的中秋礼仪营销活动中,广东省邮政局自创的月饼品牌“御香月”,销售 50 万盒,实现销售额2500万元,利润1100万元。仅用两年时间,“御香月”即跻身广东省著名月饼品