,Ultrafast cryptography with indefinitely switchable optical nanoantennas

来源 :光:科学与应用(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:carol123450
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Bistability is widely exploited to demonstrate all-optical signal processing and light-based computing.The standard paradigm of switching between two steady states corresponding to "0" and "1" bits is based on the rule that a transition occurs when the signal pulse intensity overcomes the bistability threshold,and otherwise,the system remains in the initial state.Here,we break with this concept by revealing the phenomenon of indefinite switching in which the eventual steady state of a resonant bistable system is transformed into a nontrivial function of signal pulse parameters for moderately intense signal pulses.The essential nonlinearity of the indefinite switching allows realization of well-protected cryptographic algorithms with a single bistable element in contrast to software-assisted cryptographic protocols that require thousands of logic gates.As a proof of concept,we demonstrate stream deciphering of the word "enigma" by means of an indefinitely switchable optical nanoantenna.An extremely high bitrate ranging from ~0.1 to 1 terabits per second and a small size make such systems promising as basic elements for all-optical cryptographic architectures.
【摘 要】新闻评论是一家报纸的旗帜和灵魂,传达着报纸的立场和观念。然而在当今网络评论大行其道和报纸评论同质化问题的冲击下,报纸评论的地位和影响有所动摇。在突破传统、迎接挑战、力求创新的道路上,《新京报》开辟出的《评论周刊》为我们提供了很好的应对典范。  【关键词】《评论周刊》 优势 特色  《评论周刊》创办于2008年5月10日,每逢周六与读者见面,是《新京报》在2008年的改版中推出的一项新举措
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导语:好莱坞红星安吉丽娜·朱莉(Angelina Jolie)5月13日自曝已经燕受预防性的双乳房切除术.而在第二天她就发表了公开信广而告之.她为何如此做法,已经是媒体宠儿的她还会为