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上市公司独立董事是指不在公司担任除董事外的其他职务,并与其所受聘的上市公司及其主要股东不存在可能妨碍其进行独立客观判断的关系的董事。 根据中国证监会的规定,在2002年6月30日前,境内各上市公司董事会成员中应当至少包括2名独立董事。 如何克服“独立董事不独立,董事不懂事”的现象,做到既独立又懂事尤为重要。福建省社会科学院院长严正从自己担任独立董事的亲身经历出发,谈了他对独立董事的一些看法和体会,颇有参考价值。 An independent director of a listed company refers to a director who does not hold any position other than a director in the company and does not have any relationship with the listed company and its major shareholders who may be hindering him from making independent and objective judgments. According to the provisions of China Securities Regulatory Commission, before June 30, 2002, the members of the board of directors of all domestic listed companies should at least include 2 independent directors. How to overcome the phenomenon of “independence of independent directors and ignorance of directors”, so it is particularly important to be both independent and sensible. Director of Fujian Provincial Academy of Social Sciences Yan Zheng starting from his own experience as an independent director set out, talked about his views on some of the independent directors and experience, quite a reference value.
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蓖麻籽具有抗生育作用,对其毒理和前期临床进行了研究。结果表明,蓖麻籽是种长效和安全范围较大的避孕药物,毒性反应较小,服药后一年,肝、肾功能检查均正常。 Castor seeds
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