In the spring of 1949, on the fields of the collective farms serviced by the Rybolovsky Agricultural Machinery Station in Ryazan Province, there appeared a kind of chained machine similar to the tractor we are familiar with. The difference with this type of machine is that there is a small crane arm on the cab and there is no sound when the machine pulls a heavy plow to work. The cable from its arm leads to a mobile substation parked at Tanabe. The top of the substation is equipped with metal rods with forks, which are pinned on the power lines to direct the current. This machine is called an electric tractor, which is designed by the All-Japan Agricultural Electrification Research Institute. In the spring of the same year, electric tractors were also found on the fields cultivated at the Berzyowski Agricultural Machinery Station in Svijvlovsk. In addition, at the Inksky-Skirs agricultural machine station in the outskirts of Moscow, Tractor, it was designed by another scientific institute. Electric tractors opened a new era for agricultural electrification. it makes