改革出车补助 提高经济效益

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十一届三中全会以来,我们先后对汽车驾驶员的出车补助进行了多次改革,每次改革对调动汽车驾驶员的积极性都起了一定的作用。但是,这些改革都和经济效益脱节,部分驾驶员为了多拿出车补助,单纯追求出勤天数,行车公里,不计消耗,车辆实载率和吨位利用率不高。结果,个人得了利,企业的收益不大。针对上述问题,我们于今年三月再次进行了改革,把出车补助费直接与运输量和经济效益挂钩,对工资实行浮动10~15%。经过两个月的实践,在车辆比上年同期减少4.8%的情况下,完成货物起运量比去年同期增长11.6%,完成客货换算周转量比去年同期增长30.2%,完成营运收入比去年同期增长30.4%,完成税利比去年同期增长34.2%。我们的具体作法是: 根据各车车况级次划分类型,定出各类车的基本任务和要求,实行单车核算,按当月单车核算后 Since the Third Plenary Session of the 11th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, we have carried out several reforms on the car driver’s exit allowance, each of which played a role in mobilizing the enthusiasm of the car driver. However, these reforms are out of line with the economic benefits. Some drivers, in order to get more subsidies for their vehicles, simply pursue the number of days of attendance, the number of kilometers traveled, excluding consumption, and the actual vehicle loading rate and tonnage utilization rate are not high. As a result, individuals have benefited, the company’s earnings are not large. In response to the above problems, we conducted another reform in March this year. We linked the subsidies for motorhomes directly to the volume and economic efficiency of our vehicles and carried out a 10 to 15% increase in wages. After two months of practice, when the vehicles decreased by 4.8% over the same period of last year, the volume of goods delivered completed increased by 11.6% as compared with the same period of last year, the turnover of passenger and cargo completed was 30.2% more than that of the same period of last year, The same period an increase of 30.4%, complete tax profit growth of 34.2% over the same period last year. Our specific approach is: According to the classification of the car-state level, set the basic tasks and requirements of various types of vehicles, the implementation of bicycle accounting, the calculation of the bicycle after the month