杜青林书记和汪啸风省长在加快中部地区发展座谈会上的讲话 杜青林同志的讲话

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刚才,啸风同志对最近一个时期以来我省中部地区各个市县加快经济发展的情况进行了很好的总结,对下一步我们所面临的任务和形势以及需要做好的几项工作,都作了全面的部署。啸风同志这个讲话不仅对中部地区做好当前工作具有重要的意义,而且对中部地区编制好“十五”计划具有一定的指导作用。希望到会的同志回去以后,组织党政领导班子成员认真传达啸风同志的讲话,并把这次会议精神的贯彻情况及时向省委、省政府办公厅报告。一定要抓好会议精神的落实,真正使我们这次会议成为加速中部地区发展的一个起点。下面,我就加快中部地区发展的问题讲几点意见:第一,加快中部地区发展是省委、省政府面向新世纪作出的重大决策。在新世纪即将到来之际,省委、省政府作出加快中部地 Just now, Comrade Xiaofeng made a very good summary of the acceleration of economic development in various cities and counties in the central region of our province in the recent period. As to the task and the situation we are facing next and several tasks that need to be done, A comprehensive deployment. Comrade Xiaofeng’s speech is of great significance not only to the current work in the central region, but also to guiding the preparation of the “10th Five-Year Plan” in the central region. We hope that after the comrades who come here will go back, they will organize the members of the party and government leadership team to earnestly convey Comrade Xiaofeng’s speech and report promptly the implementation of the spirit of the meeting to the general office of the provincial party committee and government. We must do a good job in implementing the spirit of the conference and truly make this conference a starting point for accelerating the development of the central region. Next, I will comment on the issue of accelerating the development in the central region: First, speeding up the development in the central region is a major policy decision taken by the provincial party committee and the provincial government in the new century. As the new century approaches, the provincial party committee and government will speed up the construction of the Central Region
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