
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(胃肠病学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Tiki0127
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PURPOSE: Current colonoscopy guidelines do not address the issue of when to stop performing screening and surveillance colonoscopy in the elderly. We reviewed our experience and results of colonoscopy in patients aged 80 years and older to assess the risks and diagnostic yield in this population. METHODS: We reviewed retrospectively the endoscopic and pathologic reports from consecutive colonoscopies performed on patients aged 80 years and older at a single, high-volume endoscopy center between August 1999 and May 2003. Patient characteristics, indications for examination, findings at colonoscopy, and complications were recorded and analyzed. RESULTS: A total of 1,199 colonoscopic examinations were performed on 1,112 patients. Average age was 83.1 (range, 80-100) years. Male∶female distribution was 1∶1.7. Leading exclusive indications for colonoscopy included: polyp surveillance, 227 (19 percent); altered bowel habits, 168 (14 percent); iron-deficiency anemia, 132 (11 percent); and cancer follow-up, 108 (9 percent). Eighty-six examinations (7 percent) were performed solely for an indication of colorectal cancer screening. Twenty-two percent of patients had more than one indication for colonoscopy. Forty-five malignancies were found (3.7 percent). No cancers were found in the screening group, and two malignancies (0.7 percent) were detected in patients undergoing colonoscopy for polyp surveillance. There were eight (0.6 percent) reported major complications. CONCLUSIONS: Colonoscopy can be performed safely in patients aged 80 years and older. However, the diagnostic yield is low, particularly in patients undergoing routine screening or surveillance exam-inations. Colonoscopy should for the most part be limited to elderly patients with symptoms or specific clinical findings. PURPOSE: Current colonoscopy guidelines do not address the issue of when to stop performing screening and surveillance colonoscopy in the elderly. We reviewed our experience and results of colonoscopy in patients aged 80 years and older to assess the risks and diagnostic yield in this population. METHODS : We reviewed retrospectively the endoscopic and pathologic reports from consecutive colonoscopies performed on patients aged 80 years and older at a single, high-volume endoscopy center between August 1999 and May 2003. Patient characteristics, indications for examination, findings at colonoscopy, and complications were Average: 83.1 (range, 80-100) years. Male: female distribution was 1: 1.7. Leading exclusive indications for colonoscopy included: polyp surveillance, 227 (19 percent); altered bowel habits, 168 (14 percent); iron-deficiency anemia, 132 Eight follow-up, 108 (9 percent). Eighty-six examinations (7 percent) were performed solely for an indication of colorectal cancer screening. Twenty-two percent of patients had more than one indication for colonoscopy. Forty-five malignancies were found (3.7 percent). No cancers were found in the screening group, and two malignancies (0.7 percent) were detected in patients undergoing colonoscopy for polyp surveillance. There were eight (0.6 percent) reported major complications. CONCLUSIONS: Colonoscopy can be performed safely in Patients aged 80 years and older. However, the diagnostic yield is low, particularly in patients undergoing routine screening or surveillance exam-in. Colonoscopy should for the most part be limited to elderly patients with symptoms or specific clinical findings.
尽管中国的最新无人机还处于鲜为人知的神秘状态,但在2008年底的珠海航展上,一批新型无人机模型或概念机的亮相,仍引起了世界各国的高度关注。 Although China’s latest UA
无直接原型参照的新设计    2009年夏,中国军事论坛里就开始出现所谓“中国第五代歼击机研发成功”的报道,当时有人认为它可能是歼10B双发歼击机。同年12月,中方向俄方提出购买发动机的要求,准备将其安装在新的重型歼击机上。当时俄军工界就意识到,中国人正在研制一种全新的战机。2011年1月11日,代号“歼-20”的中国五代机在内陆城市成都实现首飞,标志着中国航空工业的巨大成功。尽管它并不能像中国媒
对于学生阅读的推广,我们不少老师处于迷茫的状态,不知道从哪里入手,也不知道如何推广。在学生阅读的推广实践中,我们认真地阅读语文教材,静静地聆听教材本身所传递出来的细微声响,发现现行的语文教材有许多可以让我们作为学生阅读推广的凭借、载体,我们循着这些凭借和载体慢慢地把学生阅读推广开来,从而保证了阅读的质和量。  一、借助作者,推广学生阅读  现在使用的语文教材中,编者根据2011年版《语文课程标准》
目的观察IL-2联合拉米夫定治疗慢性乙型肝炎及慢性乙型肝炎病毒携带者的疗效。方法 47例慢性乙型肝炎患者中19例为联合治疗组,接受IL-2应用1个月后继用拉米夫定的治疗;28例患