Preparation and activity analysis of the divalent and tetravalent humanized V_H single domain antibo

来源 :Journal of Microbiology and Immunology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:laotzu123
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In order to improve the functional affinity of the humanized VH single domain antibody against human lung cancer,the genes coding the homogenous dimers dihu3D3V_H and tetramers tehu3D3V_H were constructed by fusing the SVS-Cys short peptide and p53 tetramerization structural domain gene to hu3D3V_H gene via recombinant PCR technique,respectively.Then,the dihu3D3V_H and tehu3D3V_H genes were cloned to the prokaryotic expression vector pET-22b(+)and expressed in E.coli BL21 (DE3).The proteins expressed were purified through Ni~(2+)-affinity chromatographic column.Meanwhile, the hu3D3V_H,dihu3D3V_H and tehu3D3V_H proteins were labeled with FITC,and their reactivity with an- tigen and specificity were analyzed by immunofluorescence assay.As to their functional affinities,it was analyzed and compared by flow cytometry.The results indicated that these two genes were expressed as monomers and mainly as inclusion bodies.After purification and renaturation,there were about 50% of dimers and 70% of tetramer remaining in the protein solution.In addition,the dihu3D3V_H and te- hu3D3V_H proteins still remained the reactivity with antigen and specificity of hu3D3V_H protein,and their functional affinities were increased about 60% or 100% respectively,compared with those of hu3D3V_H protein.It is evident that the functional affinity of hu3D3V_H protein can be greatly improved by increasing its binding valency. In order to improve the functional affinity of the humanized VH single domain antibody against human lung cancer, the genes coding the homogenous dimers dihu3D3V_H and tetramers tehu3D3V_H constructed constructed by fusing the SVS-Cys short peptide and p53 tetramerization structural domain gene to hu3D3V_H genenes via recombinant PCR technique, respectively. The dihu3D3V_H and tehu3D3V_H genes were cloned to the prokaryotic expression vector pET-22b (+) and expressed in E. coli BL21 (DE3). The proteins expressed were purified through Ni ~ (2 +) - affinity chromatographic column.Meanwhile, the hu3D3V_H, dihu3D3V_H and tehu3D3V_H proteins were labeled with FITC, and their reactivity with an- tigen and specificity were analyzed by immunofluorescence assay. As to their functional affinities, it was analyzed and compared by flow cytometry. The results indicated that these two genes were expressed as monomers and mainly as inclusion bodies. After purification and renaturation, there were about 50% of dimers and 70% of tetramer remaining in the protein solution.In addition, the dihu3D3V_H and te-hu3D3V_H proteins still remain the reactivity with antigen and specificity of hu3D3V_H protein, and their functional affinities were increased about 60% or 100% respectively, compared with those of hu3D3V_H protein .It is evident that the functional affinity of hu3D3V_H protein can be greatly improved by increasing its binding valency.
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