
来源 :国外医学.耳鼻咽喉科学分册 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fengraul
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喉部断层照相的重要因素之一是杓会厌皱襞的图像。文献指出,该皱襞是足以把喉腔与梨状窝分开的较大的线性阴影。杓会厌皱襞延展于两侧杓状软骨顶端和会厌侧面之间。奇怪的是,该皱襞做为薄的软组织解剖结构,却在所有平面的断层相上都可明显分辨;而喉前庭侧壁虽有较为宽厚的结构却无反映。另外在照片上的延续滴状的阴影结构,与构会厌皱襞的外形及解剖结构完全不符,而是重复了喉侧壁的形象。上述矛盾情况促使作者们以喉的解剖标本进行了一系列的实验研究。杓会厌皱襞用钡与碘脂的混合物进行处理后行断层照相。比较分析表明,杓会厌皱襞于喉部断层相的中部和后部较为明显;皱襞的下端位于喉室上后方1.5~2.5cm,而与一般报告相反,从未移行于假声带。因此,以前看作杓会厌皱襞的线状阴影,似为喉前庭侧壁的反映。为进 One of the important factors of the laryngeal tomography is the image of the epiglottis. The literature states that the fold is a large linear shadow that is sufficient to separate the throat from the pear-shaped nest. The epiglottis folds extend between the apical cartilage apex and the side of the epiglottis. Surprisingly, the folds as a thin soft tissue anatomy, but can be clearly identified in all planes of the fault phase; while the throat of the vestibular lateral wall, although there is a thick structure but does not reflect. In addition, the continuation of the droplet-like shadow structure in the photograph completely disagrees with the appearance and anatomy of the constipation-reducing cocoon, but it repeats the image of the throat wall. These contradictions prompted the authors to conduct a series of experimental studies using the anatomy of the throat. The epiglottis folds are treated with a mixture of cesium and iodine fat and are then tomographed. Comparative analysis showed that the epiglottis was more prominent in the middle and posterior parts of the throat than in the throat. The lower part of the fold was 1.5-2.5 cm behind the upper part of the throat. Contrary to the general report, it never migrated to the false vocal cord. Therefore, the linear shadows previously seen as epiglottis folds appear to reflect the sidewalls of the vestibule. For progress
“柏拉图”来的时候,我与亚明的恋爱关系刚刚明确。他说:“让我做你的好邻居吧。”我知道他指的是在床上。这家伙总是色色的。 “Plato ” came, my love relationship wit