LING Chang-quan(凌昌全)——An Outstanding Oncologist of Integrative Medicine

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Prof.LING Changquan, born in 1957 in Huaining of Anhui Province, is the president of the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine(TCM) of the Second Military Medical University,and vice-president of Shanghai Changhai Hospital,the leader of the National Key Clinical Discipline of Integrated Chinese and Western Medicine,an expert on the treatment and prevention of tumors by integrative medicine.He obtained his PhD degree in integrated Chinese and Western medicine at Shanghai University of TCM in 1992.Prof.Ling successively took offices of the member of the ninth,the tenth and the eleventh Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference National Committee. At present,he is the vice-chairman of the Chinese Association of Integrative Medicine,the vice-chairman of China Association of Chinese Medicine Cancer Branch, and the managing editor-in-chief of the Journal of Chinese Integrative Medicine. Prof. LING Changquan, born in 1957 in Huaining of Anhui Province, is the president of the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) of the Second Military Medical University, and vice-president of Shanghai Changhai Hospital, the leader of the National Key Clinical Discipline of Integrated Chinese and Western Medicine, an expert on the treatment and prevention of tumors by integrative medicine. He obtained his PhD degree in integrated Chinese and Western medicine at Shanghai University of TCM in 1992. Prof. Lam similar took offices of the member of the ninth, the tenth and the eleventh Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference National Committee. At present, he is the vice-chairman of the Chinese Association of Integrative Medicine, the vice-chairman of China Association of Chinese Medicine Cancer Branch, and the managing editor -in-chief of the Journal of Chinese Integrative Medicine.
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