
来源 :江苏教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:erdongzi
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我校是初级小学,去年暑期有三名毕业生没有考上小学五年级,连同前年未考上五年级的共五名儿童,都参加了农业生产。他们参加生产後,对学习很忽视,家长思想上也存在着一些不正确的看法,认为参加生产不需要知识;学生既然参加了生产,就让他一心一意的干,学习难免影响活计等等。我认识到教师有责任继续关心他们的学习,於是先通过家庭访问,对家长说明生产同样需要有一定的科学知识,只有掌握了这些知识,才能更好地改进落後的农业技术,提高产量。在访问的同时,我并向他们了解儿童已学的知识在农村中应用得怎样。家长梁学勤说:“我的孩子真笨,什么算账、写信、写便条等一样也不会,连简单的信也看不下来。”这时我便指出孩子们需要学习,特别是要学习这些应用知识。并告诉他们,学校对他们子女的学习要进行帮助。接着我便召集参加生产的毕业生来校座谈,从生产谈到他们需要掌握一定的知识,动员他们组织起来自学,同时并解决了他们怕学不好,没时间学等思想顾虑。然後给他们成立自学小组。学习材料主要是以农村实用知识为主,叫 My school is a primary school. Last year, three graduates of the school failed to register for the fifth grade in primary school. In addition, a total of five children, who were not admitted to the fifth grade in the previous year, took part in agricultural production. After they took part in the production, they neglected their study. There were also some incorrect opinions in the minds of their parents. They thought they did not need knowledge to participate in the production. Since the students took part in the production, they did their best to do so, and learning inevitably affected their livelihood. I recognize that teachers have a responsibility to continue to care about their learning. Therefore, they must first visit their families to explain to their parents that production also needs certain scientific knowledge. Only with this knowledge can we better improve backward agricultural technologies and increase production. At the same time of my visit, I also learned from them how children’s knowledge has been applied in rural areas. Parents Liang Xueqin said: “My child is stupid, what counts, write letters, write notes and the like will not, even the simple letter can not see.” Then I pointed out that children need to learn, especially to learn these applications know how. And tell them that the school helps their children learn. Then I called the participating graduates to come to the school for discussion. From the production point of view, they needed to acquire certain knowledge, mobilize them to organize themselves and learn from themselves, and at the same time solve their ideological concerns such as not being able to learn well and not having time to learn. Then set up a self-study group for them. Learning materials mainly based on rural practical knowledge, called
语言教学和语言测试密不可分.反拨效应(washback effect)是指测试对相应教学与学习产生的影响.目前面对日益激烈的就业竞争压力,许多学生欲以剑桥商务英语证书(BEC)证明其在
Utilizing the data of microbarometric waves on ground level,radiosonde reports and solar radiations obtained from various observation sta-tions in China during