蚕豆象(Bruchs rufimanus Boheman)是一种只为害蚕豆的钻蛀性害虫.蚕豆受害后不仅产量和品质降低,而且种皮易变色,影响商品价值。过去防治该虫主要靠室内熏蒸,实行联产承包责任制后,由于虫源分散,熏蒸不彻底,其为害有上升趋势。据调查近几年蛀籽率一般达40~50%,严重的年份和地区可高达90%以上。而且在田间被害的豆粒即使经过熏蒸其种皮仍会变色。所以对蚕豆象应采取田间和室内相结合的防治方法.一般认为田间防治
Bruchs rufimanus Boheman is a boring pest that affects only broad beans, resulting in not only reduced yield and quality, but also discoloration of the seed coat, affecting commodity value. The past prevention and control of the insects mainly rely on indoor fumigation, the implementation of the contract system of contract responsibility, due to the spread of insects, fumigation is not complete, the damage is on the rise. According to the survey in recent years, the rate of borer seedlings generally reaches 40 ~ 50%, severe years and regions can be as high as 90%. And the bean grains that are killed in the field will change color even after fumigation of their seed coat. Therefore, the phenomenon of broad bean should be taken field and indoor combination of prevention and control methods are generally considered field control