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上海汽车研究所与上海南北电气有限公司共同开发采用全集光超高光效固体光源(简称新光源),研制出汽车用的组合后灯,高位制动灯。这是汽车灯具的一项新技术。 它与装有普通白炽灯泡的汽车组合后灯,高位制动灯相比较,其优点如下: 1.工作寿命长。汽车用的白炽灯泡一般工作寿命为200~500h,而新光源的工作寿命可达10万h。 2.功率消耗小。汽车用的白炽灯泡的功率为27W(转向灯、制动灯、位置灯、雾灯、高位制动灯。),新光源的功率为9.2W,是前者的1/3。 3.瞬间发光,响应速度快。汽车白炽灯泡通电后的发 Shanghai Automotive Research Institute and Shanghai North and South Electric Co., Ltd. jointly developed the use of the whole collection of ultra-high light efficiency solid light source (referred to as the new light source), developed a combination of automotive lights, high brake lights. This is a new technology for automotive lighting. It is compared with the combination of rear lights, high brake lights with ordinary incandescent light bulbs, the advantages are as follows: 1. Long working life. The incandescent light bulbs used in automobiles have a typical working life of 200 to 500 hours, while the working life of new light sources can reach 100,000 hours. 2. Power consumption is small. Incandescent bulbs for cars have a power of 27W (turning lights, brake lights, position lights, fog lights, high brake lights.) The new light source has a power of 9.2W, which is 1/3 of the former. 3. Instant light, fast response. After the car incandescent light bulb hair
美国德纳公司 Dana Corporation 将于北京国际汽车工业展览会上展出特别为中国市场而开发之 S160-S 驱动桥及 D22方轴管挂车桥等数项产品。S160-S 驱动桥可直接替换国产 EQ1
[Objective] To discuss the inhibitory effects of schisandrin B( Sch-B) on the pulmonary fibrosis of rats to silica dust and its mechanism. [Methods]1 mL SiO 2su
深圳市合丹医药有限公司是经股份制改组的国有医药商品批发及连锁零售经营为一体的专营公司。于 1998年 1月成立, 1999年 9月通过广东省医药管理局 GSP合格验收,同年 11月“合
Chinese and Indian representatives jointly launch China’s “guest of honor” events during the New Delhi World Book Fair on January 9.  Some 250 Chinese delegates, including publishers and authors, part
缘起  中国人的亲戚关系相当庞杂,称谓更是五花八门,让你在短时间内无法门儿清。如何摆正这些关系,成了测定情商的重要依据,毕竟,牵一发而动全身,若想局部和谐,哪一项努力都不能少-----你知哪块云彩会下雨?  事件  小洋没想到,跟她借钱的会是这个人---婆婆后老伴的儿媳妇,跟她一口一个嫂子地叫着。她实在搞不懂这隔了好几层关系的弟媳妇如此开口。买彩票的概率也不会这么高,没觉得平时培养出这么深的交情啊